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It was a brand new day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing,the sky was blue. You could also hear people laughing and see couples holding hands... Everyone was smiling and this is my definition of perfect day. Of course,my standards got lower after today,so enough with the peisaje because I know you want to know what am I talking about.

So it was basically just another day,except for the fact that I woke up earlier,yet nobody was home. I remembered it was a school day,so I decided to just shrug it off and get ready,so I did.

I figured I still had some time,so I just decided to take a walk and I saw a girl,sitting on a bench. I swear every single male was starring at her. I soon realized that it was the girl Lauren just beat up a few days ago,yet she was still as beautiful as ever!

"What are you looking at?"she snapped and everyone awkwardly walked away. Besides me. I'm a really curious cat. I will suffer because of it...

Instead of thinking more about it,I just sat on the bench,pretty close to her.

"Hi. I'm-"

"Ross. I know. My name is Laura."she smiled at me.

"What a pretty name!Well nice to meet you Laura." I smiled back.

"Nice to meet you too."she replied

"So what are you doing here all alone?"

"Just...admiring the sight. It's a really wonderful day..."she sighed.

"Then why do you seem so unhappy?" I asked.

"That's really personal. I really don't want to talk about it."she explained.

"Well... Maybe you'd want to talk about it tonight at a restaurant... Like on a date?"

"That's a weird way of asking me out?"she giggled.

"Yep. I just said that. On a date." I chuckled.

"Well that'd be lovely."she blushed.

"Sweet! So meet me here at 6pm. I kinda need to go to school now."

"Sure. Bye Ross."she waved at me.

"Bye Laura." I honestly felt like a kindergarten kid. I just acted like one for sure. It's like I never asked out a girl before. Well... I technically don't know if I did. I can't remember anything at all. It's like amnesia,but my siblings would've had told me about this. Right?

Anyways I got in school and instantly everyone was looking at me as if I killed 1000 people and I wasn't even late. I was early in fact.

"What are you starring at?" I asked and everyone turned around, minding their own businesses I guess.

"Hi Lauren." I called and I could almost feel her rolling her eyes.

"Ugh. What do you want now....boy?"she said with a bit of disgust in her voice. Her behavior reminds me of someone ,but I don't really know who. It's just the thing with the hands she does. She's geturing a lot and her eyes basically scream "this person is insane", but she acts perfectly normal.

"I'm going out on a date..." I started.

"And? Why should I care?" Seriously? -.-

"Because you are my friend." Like DUH!

"You're not making any sense at all,mate."

"You don't know what a friend is now?" Is she dumb or something?

"Well friend is such a strong word... Plus you're not really friend with me. You were friends with the girl I possessed."she smirked.

"Yeah. And can you bring her back,just for a few? I kind of need her help."

"Sorry. I can't do that mate. She's gone. For well... Forever. Like never coming back. Niciodatã,Nada,Nein,Nadie. No."she faked a smile and walked away.

"Then you're going to help me if you don't want to bring her back." I smirked as well

"Trust me,blonde devil. I would bring her back if I could,but she's gone. It was my body and I was dead for a while and now I came back. It's too complicated and I'm too lazy to explain it to you,so... Shu! Get lost or do something."she pushed me away.

"No. I need your help." I crossed my arms.

"Ugh! Why me?!"she asked dramatically.

"Because you are a girl,right?"

"Well technically yes. Just a dead one."she nodded.

"And I need the opinion of a girl." I explained.

"Don't you have a sister?"

"Yes,but I can't find her."

"Idiots..."she mumbled under her breath,but I decided to let it go,not knowing what was she talking about.

"So... Will you help me?"

"Ross. I don't know what girls like these days. I'm old. When I was alive,every respectable man was wearing a tux and every woman was wearing one of those long really crappy tight dresses that you couldn't even breath in. I'm not the person you need. I guarantee you that." she said.

"I want to plan an old fashioned date. Please tell me what I need..." I begged.

"Fineeeeeeeee"she gave in with a sigh.

"Yes! Thank you!"

"No hugs. I will plan it,you just find something to wear,because this....isn't working."she pointed at my clothes and walked away.

And what's wrong with my clothes? I rolled my eyes and walked away. Girls... I will never understand them.

It was almost six and I just got a call from Lauren,saying that everything was settled. Good thing that I didn't tell her with who the date is because that would've had turned out really bad,I'm telling ya'.

"Okay so you have the roses downstairs and everything is settled in the back yard. Now this is the last time you call me,because I just want to get over with this."

"Rude much?"

"That's my thing,mate."

"Since when do you use that word?"

"Since forever. I just never called you that until now."

"Well stop. It's annoying" I whined.

"Bye,mate" there's no doubt that she was smirking by now,but I just hung up and went outside to meet up with my date.

"Hi Ross!" I heard Laura's voice.

"Woah..."was everything that came out of my mouth...

Rydellington confirmed,new chapter,R5 movie,new cover... That's all I have to say for now. Oh! And also. I had an obsession with Pirates of Caribbean and I thought I was over it and then Riker did that dance and now I watched all the parts all over again. Like why would you do that to me,Riker?!

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