Umoved mover

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"Are you insane?! I'm not going to simply give up on you! That's madness! I led you here, to me because I wanted to save you. When I became aware of the destiny that's been written for a poor human offspring, I told myself there's no way I would let Lauren get through with it." Laura yelled at me.

"There's nothing you can do. How do you intend to fight her off? And even if you do manage to, what about the one to whom my father promised me?" I tried remaining calm and thinking things through, but was there really a way to get out of this mess? My sacrifice would be the only logical option

"Lauren dealt with her long before you came here. There are no flaws in her plans. She's the one everyone is so afraid of." she slowly whispered, realizing that she doesn't know what she ought to do in order to stop the other demon.

"Who are these others? You, her... You keep mentioning others, but I have never seen anyone else besides the two of you ever since I came here."

"That's due to the fact that Lauren and I live in a place with no boundaries. This forest. The ones who live here can crawl in between this world and so many others. It's like a wormhole if you wish. Or so would humans depict it, but truth is, you're not leaving the physical space of Earth. You'll still be here once you cross 'on the other side', but your perception strengthens."

"W-what? I don't think I understood half of the things you just tried to explain." I mumbled confused. My life is at stake. I don't think that what I need is a physics lesson.

"Ugh! It's hard to explain it to a human... Let's put it this way. Everything a human sees is 3 dimensional. But the Earth has at least 4 dimensions if you count the temporal dimension, which one can only sense, but is unable to see."

"Alright. That much I know, although I must say I never realized that we sense the forth dimension in a different manner than we do for the other three."

"There's no time to ponder on the meaning of life, Ross. Stay focused. Lately scientists have come to the realization that somehow there must be more than those 4 dimensions that humans can perceive. And indeed according to mathematics, it's safe to assume that the universe has at least 11 dimensions, which can't be sensed by using the 5 basic senses. And they are completely right."

"That sounds like a load of crap to me. How do you even know they're right? Just cause it works in theory, it does not mean that it can be applied in real life." I rolled my eyes. This sounds like the generic sci-fi plot.

"Because you are leaving proof of that, Ross. You have a 6th sense which allows you to perceive one more dimension. Ours. From time to time, special humans like you, get a peak into these hidden parts of the universe. That's why humans have knowledge of mythical creatures such as vampires and ghouls, dullahans or ghosts. Sometimes the universe allows such beings to interact. But none of these meetings last for long. We can always see you, but you are rarely aware of our existence."

"Wait, wait, wait. So you mean other humans would be unable to see you, but I'm still within those 3 spatial dimensions that humans are aware of?"

"Precisely. You can see into one more dimension. That's where Lauren and I are. You can't see anyone else because you can't break into the other 6 left, but they're all here and they're staring at you. Even I can't tell much about them, but they seem to be listening to Lauren. The living beings in the other dimensions are usually very busy, but when she walks by, a strange silence befalls, embedded with fear. There's none who ever dared stay up to her." Laura said, with a very confused expression. I suppose there are things out there that even she doesn't understand. Perhaps that's why she's willing to go against Lauren to save me. Cause she doesn't know the consequences.

"They're all staring at me?!"

"Well of course they are! You're a rare specimen. And their lives kind of depend on you now."

"Laur, at some point, she said she's you. What did she mean by that?" Can't believe I'm asking such meaningless questions, but if I'm going to die anyway, might as well satisfy my curiosity.

"I believe she was referring to us being stuck in this dimension by ourselves. But as of why there's only the two of us here, I cannot tell you. Not that I don't want to, but I simply don't know. I woke up one day and the only thing I remember seeing was her face, covered in burns. There was smoke coming out of her skin. And she looked at me with a vengeful look. She murmured something like you're the first mover who chose to remain unmoved and that was the last I heard from her in a long while. I realised she wasn't like the others soon enough. It wasn't all that hard after all, with the strong aura she emanates... She is full of knowledge and answers, but also of questions." For a while I thought Lauren was nothing but a monster from what Laura told me, but it seems she's more human than I thought. She too, has her head filled with uncertainties.

"Maybe that's why she's so determined to go through with this, although it means sacrificing her own life. It must lead to a certain answer she's willing to risk everything for. Say, Laur, did you ever try talking to her?"

"Frankly speaking, I too was afraid. She's not the kind of presence you can be around without feeling the need to go unnoticed. One would never approach her directly. It's upon instinct that you don't try to get involved with her. She's definitely even stronger and more wrathful than she appears to be."

"Well she isn't really the cutest and most innocent being in appearance either." I tried to joke.

"Exactly. So you don't wish to know what's hiding beyond that already scary figure of hers." Warned Laura.

Actually, I'm pretty sure I would like to know.

Hello people! It's been 2-3 years. I don't even know :)) Is anyone still reading this? I never imagined 18 years old me in a Star Wars hoodie working on a new chapter for my fanfiction, but I guess life is truly full of unexpected events xD I wish everyone a happy new year and hope I'll manage to finish this story this time, although I must warn you it will be a lot shorter than I first intented because I have no idea where I was going with it, so I'm improvising right now :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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