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After a while they were told they could break off and move wherever to do on their work. Marie sat near Ella and Philip but used the excuse of she wanted to work alone. Ella assumed that was a lie but she could care less as of right now. Philip was talking about something when another voice cut him off.

"Can I work with you guys?"

Both teens heads snapped up to see a boy with dark skin and a fade cut.

"For the last time Eaker, you can't cheat off of me, or Philip." Ella stated with an eyeroll.

"Oh come on Prettygirl, don't call me Eaker," George Eaker flirted.

Philip became uncomfortable. He knew Ella could handle it but Eaker was just disgusting to him and this was even worse.

"I'll stop calling you Eaker when you stop calling me Prettygirl," Ella sassed.

Eaker put his hands on the table so his face was closer to Ella's. "Well Prettygirl that's not happening"

Philip got more upset and glared at the other boy. He grabbed Ella's hand, hoping it would send a message to Eaker. Ella sensed his uneasiness and squeezed his hand lightly. Eaker noticed this and glared at Philip. "Philip Hamilton. Still playing girls left and right? You whore."

"At least I know how to treat a girl with respect," Philip shot back.

"I don't think I've ever seen you treat a girl with respect," Eaker said smugly, attempting to get a rise out of him.

Philip stood up and glared at Eaker. Ella just sat there, not caring enough to move, intrigued as to what would happen, and ready to interfere if necessary. "I don't think you even know what respect it," He spat.

"Look let me have the girl, and we're good," Eaker shrugged, glancing away from Philip for a second before glancing back.

Philip's face practically turned red and was on fire. "Let you have the girl? You-"

Ella had already decided now was a good time to interfere and had stood up. "Philip." She shook her head lightly once he turned his head to her. "Don't."
She whipped her head around to Eaker. "You." Ella snarled in a low voice. He smirked smugly at her and her response was to punch him right in the nose. There was a loud crack and collision noise, causing everyone to look at them. Ella's hand had blood spots on it, Eaker's hands flew up to his nose, and Philip had to bite the inside of his cheeks to keep from smiling.

Eaker stared at the smaller girl in disbelief. He was not expecting her to be so strong, at all. Mr. Harold saw the commotion in the back of the room and opened his mouth to yell at Ella, then the bell rang. Ella and Philip quickly grabbed their stuff and were ready to go before the bell finished ringing. Philip whispered, "Run" as he grabbed Ella's wrist and head for the door. Ella wasn't ready for him to just drag her, but she was grateful for it.

Once they were far enough away from the school, the teens slowed down. They glanced at each other then started laughing. "That was awesome," Philip grinned, panting lightly from the running.

Ella just glanced over to him, her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath, and grinned back.

"That's so much hotter when you're not punching me," Philip commented.

Ella stood up straight and raised her eyebrows, smirking lightly. "I think you secretly like it when I punch you"

"Is that your way of telling me you think I have a pain kink?"

Ella shrugged. "I never said anything about a kink so clearly you're the one implying it"

Philip scoffed and kept walking. Ella watched him for a second before calling to him. "Hey! Where're you going? Your house is this way, genius!" She motioned to the direction his house was, which was not where Philip was walking.

Philip didn't even turn around. "I'm taking you home, hurry up slowpoke!"

Ella blinked like three times before she realized she was just standing there. She ran to catch up with Philip, extremely touched by the fact he was walking her home, even though she could clearly handle it. She could feel herself falling for him but she wouldn't admit it to herself. The littlest, thoughtful things he would do would just stop Ella in her tracks. They got to the Jefferson estate and walked to the front door.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Philip said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

Ella smiled lightly, internally laughing at his awkwardness. She wrapped her arms around his torso as he immediately returned the action. "Thanks for jumping at the opportunity to defend me back there." She muttered into the hug.

A door swung open then and there, causing the teens to jump apart, partially startled, the other part knowing exactly who it was. "Eleanor Martha Jefferson!" Came a stern voice.

Ella sharply turned her head to see her father standing over her. Ella shrunk three sizes while staring at him as though she wasn't scared. Full name meant death in this household.

"Why did I get a call from your school that you punched someone? We've talked about this, it's self defense you shouldn't be hitting people, unless it's... well he's right here so clearly it wasn't him." Thomas motioned to Philip and Philip just brought his eyebrows together.

Ella glanced at the ground, upset she disappointed her father. She tried to think of something to say but couldn't so she just kept opening and closing her mouth.

"Actually, sir, it was self defense." Ella's head snapped up and her eyes widened. She looked at Philip in fear of what Thomas would do. Thomas just looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow. "A boy was trying to objectify and use her, so she took action"

Thomas turned to his daughter once Philip finished talking. "Is this true?" Ella just nodded her head. Thomas sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ok, I'm glad it was self defense, but you can't go around breaking peoples noses. It makes it seem like I'm raising a bully."

Ella laughed lightly, but not wholeheartedly. Philip noticed her off laughter and planned to ask her about it later.

"Now you," He paused and looked at Philip. "You, Hamilton, are starting to grow on me"

I'm Supposed To Hate You (Philip Hamilton x OC, Modern au)Where stories live. Discover now