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Btw this chapter starts about 2 weeks after the last one ended. Sorry it's not super long.

ALEX POV (bet y'all weren't expecting that)

I slowly wake up but my eyes are still closed. I open my eyes to see brown curls and freckles.

"P-Philip?" I question, slowly sitting up.

"Think again Lexi" Says a voice deeper than my teenager's.

Wait...Lexi!? The only person who's called me that is... NO. There's no way. He's...

I quickly sit up and fully open my eyes. Tear flood down my face as I conform who was talking.


He nods with a soft smile of his face.

"N-No... I must be dreaming. THIS ISN'T REAL!"


I start crying harder. "John I thought you died"

"I know..." He wraps his arms around me and I quickly return the gesture.

"What happened? You died..." I ask, trying to think of a logical way Laurens is still alive.

"Well I woke up on the battlefield (yes there was a war in this au) and no one was there. I managed to get back home because I was in South Carolina but I didn't know how to contact anyone." John's eyes looked so upset as he talked. I look into them and remember how much I missed those eyes. How I practically worked myself to death, not knowing to to deal with John's death. I know this isn't right... what I'm feeling... I mean I'm married and have kids.

"Wait... why am I here?" I look around the room that I now recognize as a hospital room.

"I found you passed out in an ally about a month ago"

"2 months?! What about Eliza, Philip, Angie?! Where are they?!" I panic. What the hell happened? I don't remember anything. I remember driving home after a late night at the office in the rain but that's it.

"I'm guessing they're still at home" John answers. "How did you even end up in South Carolina?"

"I have no idea..."

We sit there in silence for a moment before the door opens.

"Ah, Mr. Hamilton, you're finally awake" The lady who I'm assuming is the doctor says.

I slowly nod. "What happened?"

"All we know is that you were drugged and were probably out for a while before Mr. Laurens found you" She answers and starts messing with some doctory stuff. "We need to run a few tests but then you're free to go"

"Alright thank you"


"So how's Martha?" I ask John as he starts to drive me home. I know he was never too close to his wife but he never wanted to hurt her.

"She..." He pauses and I notice his face soften like he's gonna cry. "She died giving birth to our daughter"

"Oh John..." I squeeze his hand in an attempt to calm him down.

He stops at a red light and turns to me and slightly smiles. "It's alright. Frances is the best thing in my life"

"How old is she?"

"I think she's the same age as Philip" We sit in silence for a little. I notice our hands are still intertwined but I just leave them. "How's Eliza and the kids?" John asks breaking the comfortable quiet.

"They're good." A thought hits me hard and I rip my hand away from John's without thinking. "WAIT HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN GONE?! THEY MUST BE WORRIED SICK! I need to call Betsey!" I reach for my phone but it's not there. I can feel my heart drop.

John grabs my hand again, I'm guessing to try and calm me down. "Lexi, you didn't have your phone or I would've tried to call Eliza. You can use my phone when we get to my house"

I nod. John pulls into the driveway of a good sized house. Not too big, but definitely not small. We walk into the house and John hands me his phone. I slowly dial Eliza's number.

I'm Supposed To Hate You (Philip Hamilton x OC, Modern au)Where stories live. Discover now