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Before this chapter starts you should probably know that Ella has low iron. That information will be helpful later in the chapter. Also I suck at title names.


I woke up and looked at the time. 8:00. I decided downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning Ma" I smiled at my mother as I walked past her. I noticed everyone was down here but Dad. "Is Pa in his office?"

"Pip come with me" Mom said with a worrisome tone. She walked into a room away from my siblings.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Philip, I have no clue where your father is. He's not answering his phone and he didn't text me saying he would be working late. Which is super unusual for him. I'm not telling your siblings until we figure something out, I don't wanna worry them."

"Angie will get suspicious quickly"

"I know. I'll tell her when she asks about it. But for now I need you to find some sort of answer. I would help but I have to take care of your siblings."

"Alright mom" I kissed her cheek. "I'll start now."

I walked upstairs to get dressed and I started to worry. What if he was kidnapped? Hurt? Ill? Dead? I let my thoughts take the best of me and I started lightly crying. I stopped having pity and got changed. I know just where to go first.


I sat on a couch reading when the doorbell rang. I heard Lottie finish what she was doing to try and get it.

"ITS OK LOTTIE I GOT IT!" I called to her.

"YOU SURE?" She yelled back.


I walked over to the door and I heard my dad behind me.

"What's the point of maids if you're not gonna use them?" He joked.

"Lottie and everyone else do enough for us. I think I can handle opening the door." I laughed.

I opened the door to the least likely person.

"Philip?" He looked... lost almost.

"Ella.." he trailed off.

"Philip what's wrong?"

"My dad's missing"

"Alexander Hamilton is missing?!" My dad yelled. "FINALLY! OH THANK THE LORD FOR THIS DAY"

Philip looked so angry yet sad at the same time.


"Sorry Ellie"

"Ella I came to see if you could help me." Philip said his voice a little shaky.

"I could see if he's at the office or with Washington" Dad suggested.

"Dad can you do that while we stay here?" I asked.

He nodded his head and left.

I waited for my dad to be gone and I pulled Philip into a hug. I knew he needed it. He dissolved into the hug and wrapped his arms around me.

He pulled away and said, "Thanks"

I nodded. "We could head out and look for him. I can text my dad and tell him that we are going and he can tell us if he finds your dad."

"Yeah, we can do that"

I texted my dad and me and Philip headed out.

We walked around for a bit and decided to walk in stores and ask if they'd seem him.

I'm Supposed To Hate You (Philip Hamilton x OC, Modern au)Where stories live. Discover now