chapter 9

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Monica's pov

I woke up earlier than I usually do today, but it was Tuesday the day I started to train FiJi.

Last night I put FiJi in a stall with shock absorbent stall doors because I didn't know if he had been in a stall before.

When I got him in ( before I did I put stall toys in) he was calm and easy going. I have no clue why he has such a bad reputation as untrainable.

When I left the stable and stepped out side is when it got bad he started to freak out!

I walked back in and he immediately clamed down. I think I figrued out what FiJi needed. He need a stall friend.

So for that night I went and got Gaurdian and put her in the stall next to him with the stall window between them open.

I walked back out and there was no kicking or craziness.

I will have to go to the animal shelter today and find a stall buddy. After I showered and got what I needed from my room for the day I woke up Destiny. She groaned a little then sat up and gave me a death glare.

I pretty sure if looks could kill I would be dead and their would be a searing hole in the wall behind me.

I told her to get ready and walked out.

Destiny's pov

I was dreaming of liam again and I was at a concert with Monica as always but there was one difference Florida was there too.

Monica turned to me and said look at them....., Out boyfriends........ I still can't belive it!

Then Florida is shaking my shoulder and I look at her and she says Destiny wake up! Destiny wake up! I groan and wake up I sit up and see it was Monica who was trying to wake me instead of Florida.

I gave her a death glare for waking me. She said get ready and left.

I wonder what her hurry was so I jumped in the shower, when I got out I put on jeans and a T-shirt that said, Never Give Up You Will Find What Your Looking For on the front and on the back it said And More. I pulled on my riding boots and walked down stairs. When I get to the kitchen there is a girl I have never seen before.

I say "Hello? Who are you?"

 Rosalie's Pov

"Hello? Who are you?" I hear from behind me.

I turn around and I see I beautiful girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm  Rosalie. May I ask who you are?" I tell and ask her.

"Destiny" she says.

"Pretty name. Why are you in my friends house?" I kindly say.

"Thanks, and  I',m here with my friend Destiny who is trainig FiJi for your friend" she simply says.

Destiny's pov

I find out the name of the mystery girl is Rosalie and that she is Taylor swift's friend.

I go and sit next to Rosalie and ask her to pass me the cereal. She does I pour me a bowl of the frosted flakes.

After we talk at little over our cereal I tell her I need to go help Monica with FiJi. She says ok and hands me a peice of paper and says I think your one of the few people I can trust.

The paper had her number and e-mail. " Thanks?"

She here's the question in my voice.

" I have not been able to trust many people since 6th grade some one gave my number to a guy I didn't know and told them to threaten to kill me and stuff. It was terrible time for me. I changed my number and gave it only to famliy and super close friends."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I told her I walked over and hugged her.

"I know your one I can trust because you are a faithful friend." she said

"How do you know?" I ask confused.

" You said you needed to go help your friend with FiJi. You are not still in bed or sitting in your room or sitting here and talking to a friend back at home. You know she needs your help and your not leaving her. I know your a good frien by how sorry you were about something that happened to me in the past." She says

"Thank you, you can you trust in me." I tell her and walk out the kitchen door to the stables.

Niall's pov

I was in the mall after that last concert and I was in a beanie and sungalsses.

I always go and look at the poster board to see if there where any kind of bands that where just getting started and where performing for the  first time I like to go listen to them.

As walk up to this board there is a poster for a golf tournament.

I grab a small slip so that I can enter.


so do you think its the same golf contest? you wont know for awhile

and what do you think of Rosalie?

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