Chapter 5: Day 3 Part Two

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Chaeryeong's POV

I leaned on the counter whilst the eggs were sizzling in the pan. My thoughts wondered as they immediately went to you. Ever since I met you, things started to get weird and last night confirmed that.

But the weird thing about it was that I liked it. I felt as though everything that happened last night was supposed to happen. Which is why it felt strange. These feelings felt so strange and I really needed to figure them out before something happens.

I gazed out into space still thinking, until grey smoke caught my eye. I turned around and saw a tiny but lit fire in the pan. A curse flew out my mouth, quickly putting out the fire in front of me.

I then let my thoughts wander once again. Could you perhaps be my mate? Usually hybrids know who their mate is just by the sense of their smell. I can't tell as much because I got into a tiny accident a couple years back. It was nothing serious but my sense of smell was affected by it.

 But it's weird since you never said anything about the mating thing. Do you even know how to tell? Even so, what's the likelihood of us being soulmates anyways. That's a very small percent chance.

I dumped the burnt eggs in the trash can and started again, making sure to pay attention this time. Once I finished those, I started to cook the carcass of a rabbit I caught a bit ago. This would be the main course of the meal.

I finished that and looked over the set table of goodness, feeling proud of myself. I then raised an eyebrow, seeing that you never came out the room. I wiped my hands on the cloth of my jeans and made my way to your room.

Once I was in front of your door, I pressed an ear to it. I didn't hear anything from the other side, only tiny breaths. I sighed knowing you were still breathing and alive. 

Then I knocked on the door, hoping for a response. 


I pursed my lips and knocked again, this time a bit harder. But there was still no response. I sighed and gripped the door knob, slowly opening the door.

It creaked open slowly, exposing more and more of your room. I peeked my head inside and almost fainted. The shock consumed me, my body frozen. 

There you were, sprawled out on your bed with nothing on your body. You were facing upwards with your legs spread wide open, facing my exact line of sight. Which meant your heat was on full display.

I bit my lip harshly, quickly using my hand to cover my mouth. My eyes widened as they dangerously traveled along each curve of your exposed skin. I could feel myself throbbing, squeezing my thighs together.

Sucking in a harsh breath, I opened the door wider for me to fully enter. I ascended one shaky step towards your bed. Faster than I could think, I was at the foot of your bed. Your smell was out of this world. 

You squirmed slightly, spreading your legs further apart for my eyes to take in hungrily. The knot in my core continue to get worse by the second. The longer I stayed in here, the less I'd be able to hold back.

But this sight was so....delicious. Everything from your scent down to your dripping heat was such a euphoric pleasure.

I crouched down, my nails gripping the sheets of the bed. It was so inviting. It was right there. Only a few inches away from my tongue that wanted to taste the sweetness that welcomed me. I gulped harshly, my pants already drenched in my own juices.

There was only one solution.

I licked my lips, my eyes never leaving your clit. My hand carefully made its way down to my pants, slipping inside. I guided them underneath the last fabric that was already soaking wet. As soon as my index finger made contact with my heat, a soft moan escaped from my lips.

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