Chapter 4: Day 3

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You honestly didn't know what time it was. It felt like it was between one and three AM though. Which meant that you didn't get a wink of sleep since you've entangled with the sleeping Chaeryeong.

It didn't surprise you really. In fact, the advantage was that you'd be able to take in her beauty like you said you would. But on the downside, you felt extremely hot and most definitely tired. 

Whenever she moved or readjusted her position, it was always pain on your part. To every knee rub and kiss to the neck was excruciating pain. You thought she was doing it on purpose at this rate. And it didn't lessen the fact that you were probably wet. You prayed it wasn't true because you didn't want her feeling that. 

This fluffy dress didn't help your situation. You were only wearing one piece of undergarments underneath and they were very thin. So the worst most likely already happened. 

The moonlight hit her features in the best way though. The window was positioned just right to hit her face. The same face that was almost a centimeter away from yours now.

 She had moved herself again so now that her face was off your neck thankfully. But it was still dangerously close to yours, more importantly your lips. You would connect your own with hers right now if you could, but you didn't want to invade her boundaries that way. It was just so tempting and you didn't know why.

Her knee did magic once more. It was more aggressive than the last ones and you felt yourself cum a tiny bit. It wasn't a lot, but it was something. She continued rub her knee up along your heat, riding up your dress even further and creating friction along your folds. It was to the point where your dress was entirely folded around your waist, your panties exposed to the world to see.

You gripped the bed sheets, hoping and praying she'd stop. You could feel the liquid dripping down your thigh and you knew that it was on her now. She finally stopped after a full minute of torture.

Your tongue swiftly moved out to moisten your lips, biting them right after. You gulped and balled your fingers up into a fist.

"Just hold out for a few more hours Y/n.." You spoke quietly to yourself. A silent mantra was going on inside your head. You could do this.

....Or maybe not.

She had inched forward the last centimeter. It was the last centimeter that ended it all. You had to refrain from moaning. That's right. Moaning. Once her lips hit yours, it was bye bye for that last piece of hope you had clung onto.

They rested on yours so gently. But they moved so softly. For each breath she took, her lips would move up against yours. You could've moved your head back. You could've pushed her off hours ago. But something about this just felt right

It felt right to be held in her arms like this. It felt right to have her plump lips interlocked with yours. It felt right to just be living in the same house together. It all felt right

Even though it felt right, it also felt wrong. You didn't know how she felt. You didn't know if she got the same tingles as you or if she even enjoyed living in this very house together. You wouldn't know. 

You pursed your lips and slightly moved your head back, setting a good amount of space in between you both. Having this mindset, you forced yourself to fall into a deep slumber where Chaeryeong didn't exist.

The brown haired female slowly peered her eyes open, seeing the darkness of the night sky out the window. She glanced at the clock that was on the wall and saw it was around 4:30 AM. 

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