Chapter 8: Day 6

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Why do I feel

Why does it burn like this?

Why does it hurt so much?

Your eyes shot open, a tiny gasp leaving your lips. The entirety of your body was on fire. You glanced to your side and saw Chaeryeong still loosely hanging onto you. Your face began to flush once you remembered what took place the previous night. But that was the least bit of concern you had right now.

You knew for a fact that your heat had started. And to be in the same bed as your soulmate who doesn't know she's your mate is....bad.

Trying to push it aside for now, you had to figure out how to get out of here. You slowly moved her arms off of you, careful not to wake the sleeping female. Then you shimmied away from her form, sliding off the bed.

The burning sensation seemed to get worse the farther you got from her. A soft whine passed your lips as you stumbled out the room, your legs weak. You had to cling onto the railing to prevent yourself from tumbling over. 

Your core was throbbing and it was so painful. You squeezed your thighs together, barely making your way down the steps. Sweat coated your entire body, worsening the heat you felt.

You weakly limped your way to the room, wanting to be locked in there until your heat played all the way out. You'd rather deal with the pain than let Chaeryeong find out and have to help you.

Reaching the door, your fingers shakily grabbed the door knob as you flung it open. As soon as you entered, you slammed the door shut and locked it, hoping the noise didn't wake Chaeryeong.

You closed the curtains, preventing any of the sunlight from coming in. The room got exceptionally dark which could possibly make the room cooler. At least you hoped.

Then you crumpled to the floor, spreading your limbs out as far away as possible. 

It was so hot. It felt like you were being burned alive whilst being buried in scorching hot sand. Your hands worked automatically as you tore off each piece of clothing that was covering your sweaty form. 

Of course it didn't help.

Groans of pain were emitting from your body, the pain getting worse as time went by. You didn't know how you were going to get through this, you just had to.

Chaeryeong slowly fluttered her eyes open as she began to hear soft sounds that awoken her. She expected you to be laying next to her, but she could feel the absence of your presence. It wasn't as warm as it was last night.

She pulled off the covers, sliding into her slippers that were at the side of the bed. The first thing she needed to do was check up on you. It worried her since she knew the sounds she could just barely hear, were coming from your room.

Quickly heading down the steps, she made her way in front of your door. She pressed her ear against the door, hoping to hear what was happening. 

But the sounds stopped. It was like you knew she was there and you were holding back. But holding back what? 

One thing was for sure though. Your aroma was filling up the entire house. It was hard to miss but she couldn't quite put her finger on why. It was heavenly to say the least and she knew she wouldn't be able to stay here for long without attempting something.

"Y/n? Are you okay in there? I heard strange noises and wanted to check up on you." The golden eyed female questioned.

You were suffering on the other side. In order to stop your groans of pain, you shoved a fist in your mouth. The other hand was massaging your clit, not helping as much as you hoped.

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