Chapter 7: Day 5

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'?' POV

It was sickening. The way they shook under my gaze was quite enthralling, but to know that pathetic assholes like them were my security made my blood boil. They didn't deserve to be in the position they were in. They should be thankful to even be in my presence.

I scoffed as I heard a slight tremble of someone's voice. It was the one on the far right. He seemed more terrified than the rest. A smirk rested itself on my lips as I strode over to the boy. 

The closer I got, the heavier his shaking became and the higher my excitement rose. Once I stood in front of him, I stopped and glowered down at him. The helmet he held in his fingers was close to falling out from the sweatiness of his hands. The sweat dripped down his temples slowly, waiting for his fate to unfold.

His brown eyes screamed fear and I loved every bit of it. I cleared my throat slightly, raking my fingers through my blonde hair.


"S-s-sir!!" He saluted, his posture as straight as ever. It's fun to see them acting like this as if they thought their lives would be spared. It's so hilarious.

"No no no. It's Sir. Only one 'S.'" I teased. 

The boy never met my gaze once as he continued to glance around the dark room. I sighed and in a second, my gun was in hand, pressed up against his temple. That seemed to had caught his attention.

His breath hitched as he finally looked at me. His eyes wavered immensely. Gasps followed throughout the room as the other spectators watched the scene unfold.

"It's polite to look at your superior when their talking to you. Isn't that right?" I whispered lowly. 

He could only nod softly. This was no fun.

"You bore me." I mumbled, dragging the pistol to the base of his throat. His Adam's Apple bobbed under the cool metal of the pistol. It was somewhat satisfying.

"I-I'm sorry S-sir!" He managed to shout. 

"Fuck off and stop tryna' kiss my ass. You all know why you're here." I barked loudly, pulling the gun away from him. I saw him heave a sigh of relief but that wouldn't last long.

As I began to turn my back to him, I swiftly turned back around and shot at him square in the head.

His limp body immediately dropped to the ground as the darkness of his own blood began to pool around his lifeless body. No one dared utter a word in fear that they may be next. They shouldn't worry about that since they'll all be six feet under in no time.

"U-um Sir?" A high pitched voice asked.

I glanced to my left, looking at the owner of the voice. His face didn't match his voice in the slightest and it was amusing. I raised my eyebrow and walked away from the body, heading towards the male.


"For what reason are we here for..?" He scratched the stubble on his face, looking as confused as the rest. 

"You know damn well why you're in here." I turned away from him and walked back to the center, facing them.

"I do not Sir.." The same guy spoke out.

I tsked and ruffled my hair slightly. They were kept real silent huh?

"Ha. Well do any of ya know of a....I don't know maybe a hybrid that's escaped lately?" I acted clueless, walking around aimlessly. My eyes traveled over to each one, their faces cracking bit by bit. No one dared to speak and I knew that's when I got them. "Well then. Let me tell you about your dear superior Dr. Kang shall I?"

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