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As Xie Lian was on guard ready to attack but something else came

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As Xie Lian was on guard ready to attack but something else came. The curtain of the sedan chair was softly lifted. Looking through the veil he saw two hands one bigger one and one slight smaller extended their hands toward him. One hand had a red thread tied in their third finger and the other one had a a black lace bracelet-ring. It looked familiar to him. With the different hands size it was obliviously two different people. Now was there a correct answer on choosing the a right person or were the two the ghost bridegroom?

And that's when a tough decision came through. Should he reach over to the hands or which one should he pick and not pick?

He remained calm. What should he do? Take the both hands and face the problems that will come by taking them.

The two hands remains still and patient as if waiting for his reply. Xie Lian didn't move and the two hands didn't move either. After a while Xie Lian chose the two hands and reached over to the two hands. He stood up and about to move the sedan curtain out of the way for him to pass but the two people already did. He let the two lead him out and slowly leaving the sedan chair. He felt the two hands softly grasp his as if they thought they were going to break his hand with a little more tighter grasp.

All of Xie Lian thoughts made him loose his balance and began to fall forward. Before he could the two supported his back and his front making him stable again.

The two people departed and went to Xie Lian sides and slowly lead him. Xie Lian still had his guard up and walked slowly. The two people cooperated with his pace and walked slowly as well. As they were walking Xie Lian couldn't help but feel a familiar presence on the man on his left. It felt the same his best friend M/n had. Innocents with evil but in the most part he felt his presence as home. But that couldn't be. He was missing since they were both banished.

Shrugging away at the thought, he couldn't help to know how the two men looked like. So he took a small look at the man on his right through the crack of his veil. The man a red robe and under that red robe was paired with black leather boots. His hair was black and was rather long but probably not long as his.

He waited a little to look at the man in the left so he wouldn't look too suspicious. He slowly looked to his left looking through the crack of the veil once again. The man had a black robe with a gold color on it too with some black boots. His hair was H/c and quite long. Maybe even near on touching the floor.

The person on his right pace was a bit careless with a light bounce in each step making him look like a lively teenager.  The person on his left was well mannered, walking like a adult he would see in the heavens it also slightly reminded him how his best friend would walk. It may sound weird but he was around him for many years knowing his habits on walking and how he acted.

While those thought running through his mind something white came to his vision. It was a skull. Xie Lian's pace slowed and slightly stopped. Something seemed wrong with it. But without a spare glance the man on the right stepped on it as Xie Lian was thinking if he should  warn him. It turned to dust in a second and the man on the right didn't seem to care. On the same time that happened he crushed the array into useless dust. With just one step.

The whole mood of the mountain felt creepy and dangerous. With the dead plants around and the wolves howling. Then the two men opened a umbrella in one hand. The two people still held his hand with the other holding the umbrella. The scene felt romantic in some way. Like a couple on a walk around somewhere peaceful in a rainy day. It wasn't long before the sound of the raindrops stopped hitting the two umbrellas was heard.

The two men put their umbrellas away and went in front of Xie Lian. They both slowly lifted his veil but then Ruoye moved. It went up to the air making a burst of wind. The veil left the hands of both men. And right when Ruoye went to them they shattered into thousand of silver butterflies and thousands of golden flowers.  Xie Lian was was mesmerized. Even if the time wasn't correct he couldn't help it! It felt like a dream. The butterflies and golden flowers flew around him before turning to go to the night sky where they all slowly disappeared. But one flower stayed for a while.

The golden flower stayed around him for a little bit. He felt warmth on this one. With once again a familiar presence his best friend had.  For a couple more seconds the flew to the sky and disappeared. When the flower disappeared he heard "See you soon your highness." Wait. Why did that sound like his best friend. Soon Xie Lian snapped out of his dazed. 'So is one or both of them the Ghostgroom?' he thought. He felt that the teenager wasn't the groom and neither the other man. He were both kind to him. They had no evil intent.

He shrugged out his thought and continued to the temple but then went back to get his veil. After he got his red veil he put it back on and walked inside the temple.

UGGGGGHHHHHHHH Im sorry but I have to skip this whole ghost groom it's short I will skip it until when they have the meeting because when they're fighting it's going to be long and yeah hope you enjoyed this!

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UGGGGGHHHHHHHH Im sorry but I have to skip this whole ghost groom it's short I will skip it until when they have the meeting because when they're fighting it's going to be long and yeah hope you enjoyed this!

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