Other girls arrive

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The girl with blue eyes asked: "Are there any grown ups?" She started to have doubts.
"My cousin said that during this month, no adults are working here because it's their holidays." Said Burpette.
Then, they heard some voices...
"Those are girls' voices. I can hear lots of them." Said Jessica

A tiny girl appeared first, her eyes wide and excited to have found someone, slowly the area filled up with little faces. Everyone in the zoo was curious and they all seemed to be very tired. They had walked for hours as Jessica and Burpette had. Everyone sat on the floor, there were approximately twenty girls coming from different schools. They started chatting but Jessica stood up and said:
"Hello girls! Is someone missing or are we all here?" The girls kept on chatting but Jessica wanted their attention so she shook the bell until everyone was listening: "Okay! Let's have an assembly and vote for the chief because this is too confusing." The girls went back to chatting: "When can we go to the mall together?" "Oh! I really need to paint my nails" "I really need to take a shower, I took one only this morning! I usually have one four times a day!" "I want to buy a new perfume!" "Where's my mirror? My hair is too messy for me to be seen!"
Meanwhile, Burpette was trying to remember everyone's name: "so, you are Chloe, you are Anastasia. You two must be Caroline and Ann, you girls really look alike."
"Obviously, we are twins!" Replied the girls.
"Girls! Girls! Stop! We won't go to the mall or paint our nails or take a shower or brush our hair or put perfume on! You have to listen now!"
The girls were quiet again and they raised their hands. They had lots of questions, apparently.

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