Realizing I am in Love

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Last night there was a huge storm making me scared laying in bed alone. I watched my room light up every 30 seconds on the dot with lightning. I tried everything but I couldn't go to bed. Wooyoung was in the next room visiting me for a few weeks. We were Long-distance best friends meeting for the first time. A loud boom made me jump out my bed and tiptoe to the guest bedroom where Wooyoung was sleeping. I opened the door and he is laying in the middle of the bed knocked out. I slowly climb in next to him and cover myself with the blanket.

"It was about time" He turned over and wrapped his arm around me. I cuddled closer to him finally relaxing.

"This is oddly satisfying" I mumble.

"Are you okay you are shaking? Are you cold?" I shook my head and looked up at him.

"The storm scared me so I might still be shaken by it but I feel okay now" I whisper layin gmy head back down.

"Good you are safe with me I promise" The next morning I wake up and the bed is empty. I got worried and got up looking for Wooyoung. I found him in the kitchen cooking shirtless with his messy bed head and glasses.

"Good morning" I wrap my arms around his waist from behind.

"Good morning beautiful did you sleep okay?" I opened the fridge and took a bottle of juice out.

"Yes I sleep really good. What about you?" I sat at the table watching him while I drank my juice. He put the spoon down and walked over to me. He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. It started as a chaste kiss but was on the way up to escalating.

"I slept better than ever" He smirked and walked back to the stove. I sat at the table trying to process what just happened. My face burned and my heart was beating fast. I felt my stomach turn and this tingling feeling in my legs. I touched my lips and focused all my attention on him singing while cooking. His voice was of an angels when he sang.

"So is there anything you want to do today?" I look out the window and see the rain still pouring. I have a love hate relationship with the rainy season.

"Actually yes!" He placed a plate of food on the table in front of me and sat next to me handing me a fork.

"And what would that be?" I asked digging into the food.

"I want to stay in and cuddle while watching movies. Maybe bake and do some puzzles or arts and crafts. Just a you and me day in out PJ's chilling like a villain." I lifted my head up and nodded agreeing to his plans.

"Sounds like a plan" I said. He leaned forwards and kissed the corner of my mouth and pulled away smirking.

"You had something on your lips" He smiles and me and starts eating. Many moments like that happened through out the day. He really was everything I wasn't looking for but have always wanted.

"Wooyoung" I whined wanting him to get back under the covers.

"Hold on... I know you are used to not eating but while I am here I will take care of you" He sat down next to me with a few snacks and two drink. I took the snacks and placed it on the table next to the drinks. Wooyoung looked at me confused until I sat on his lap and cupped his cheeks guiding his lips to mine. I pecked his soft lips a few times teasingly making him whine.

"Okay okay" I giggled and kissed him deep this time. Our tongues danced together while his hands ran up and down my back and landed right above my ass on my back. I pulled away as the touching and kissing was getting more heated by the second.

"Are you okay?" He asked scared he did something wrong. I shook my head reassuringly.

"I just realized... I think I am deeply in love with you" I started to move off his lap but he held me tightly in place.

"Good I have known for a while now"

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