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- Jongho

Surrounded by people you started to feel restless. You wanted to leave but your duties were only half finished. You made your way around the small cluster of groups hoping small talk was enough for you to get by.

You stopped in the group with your friends chatting. You slid your way into the middle of the group just needing comfort and air. You needed a minute away and since you couldn't leave you just hid yourself in the middle of the circle thankful they were all taller than you.

"Are you okay" Jongho leans in and whispers in your ear. His hands loosely on your sides as your back hits his torso. You sigh feeling the warmth and safety of his presence hit you.

"Yeah I need a minute" he nods and pulls you back into his body so you could rest your weight on him. You molded perfectly into him almost disappearing behind his open blazer.

"Relax I got you" he whispered in your ear and wrapped his arms around your figure. You leaned your entire body against him refueling from the skinship and safeness you felt.

10 minutes passed and you forced yourself out of Jongho's body. You smoothed the creases of your dress out and fixed the few pieces of stray hair that flew out of your braid.

"I have to continue networking I'll be back" Jongho wrapped his arm around your waist and walked away with you.

"I'll go with you this time" the warm blush rapidly crept to your cheeks as he guided you with the hand on your lower back out of the circle.

Thanks to Jongho's hand never leaving your body and standing next to you the rest of the night was a breeze. You were beat from having to converse with so many people. Work parties never get easier for you as an anxious introvert.

"It's finally over!" You let out a whine in relief. Jongho chuckled as he carried you on his back to the car.

"Yes it finally over. Let's get you home." You nodded as he places you on back on the ground and opens the door for you.

"It's an hour drive home. I will fall asleep in the back for sure." Jongho got in next to you closing he door behind him.

"You are not going to that house you are going to mine." He stated giving the driver directions to his place. You sat quietly knowing this was nonnegotiable and quite frankly you were too tired to resist.

You finally relaxed for the first time in what felt like hours. You groaned as you sunk deeper and deeper into the couch. Your feet ached and your dress started to feel extra tight.

"Jongho I'll just sleep here" you yawned not even bothering to take anything off.

"Get undressed and you can sleep." You lifted your head watching him get on his knee and lift your foot on his thigh. He carefully undid the buckles to your heals sliding them off and placing them next to the couch.

He helped you to your feet and lead you to his room. The atmosphere thickened and your breath hitched in your throat as he gently spun you, carefully moved your hair out of the way and unzipped your dress. The dress fell pooling around your feet on the floor. Jongho ran the tips of his finger down your bare back.

You took a shaky deep breath standing there in just your panties. You didn't dare look back or turn around. You felt Jongho walk away and come back a few seconds later. You slightly turn your head to see him in his Pajamas with clothes in his hand.

"Here you can use this" he spoke up looking straight into your eyes as you turned around to face him. His eyes did not wander if it wasn't up to the ceiling.

"Thank you" he nods and turns around as you pull the shirt over your body. You opted out for the pants since the shirt was so big and landed right above your knees.

"I'll go to the couch now so you can sleep." Jongho shakes his head and walks towards you.

"No you can sleep with me"


Morning rolled around and you laid there staring at Jongho next to you. Nothing physical happened last night except cuddling but you felt as of something big and magical had happened between you two.

You stood up and walked to the bathroom trying to shake it off since you assumed it was one sided. You brush your teeth and stand there brushing your hair. You were thankful your assistant had dropped off your things super early.

Jongho walks in startling you. He says nothing as you both stand there staring into each others eyes. He approaches you and places you on top of the sink. His left hand ran up and down your thigh while the other hand places your arms around his neck.

Your heart was beating super fast and your stomach was doing gymnastics. His eyes fell to your lips for a little too long. You scooted closer to him causing his hands to land on your lower back. Your breathing had gotten slightly heavy but his did as well.

He leaned in placing his lips on yours cautiously. He starts pulling away, you stopped him by moving your lips against his and pulling him closer by the back of his head. The kiss got deeper with each passing second. Your fingers tangled in his hair, his hands slowly running up to your mid back and back down.

That moment changed your life... what you thought was one sided was mutual and just the beginning of a life time.

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