Wake up

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Your alarm went off, alarming you that it was time for you to get up and get ready for work. Yunho Usually wakes up before you to get ready so as you press snooze on your alarm you hear him in the shower already. You lay your head back down and close your eyes trying to drift back to sleep for a few more minutes until he gets out of the shower. "Baby I'm out of the shower now so you can go hop in" he gently nudges you to wake up. You lift your head to look at your phone to check the time before laying your head back down on the pillow. "I don't go to work today. I'm too tired I wanna sleep more." You groan his pillow over your eyes to cover a few lights. "I know baby, I don't wanna go to work I would rather be sleeping, but you gotta get up" feel the bed dip next to you and a pair of lips meet with yours. The soft, gentle kiss gave you a small burst of energy. " A little more kissing and I think I'll be able to get up" whisper on his lips as you pull him down to kiss him deeper. He chuckles into the kiss And continues, kissing you.


The bedroom door opens, and the lights get turned on. You whine trying to cover your burning eyes from the lights hitting them. "I and back from my morning workout and you need to get up!" You asked him if you could skip the gym today because you are so tired from working overtime. He agreed and went to the gym by himself now he is back and trying to get you to wake up. "I am actually way too tired. Can't I just call in today?" The covers were drawn off your body and your eyes popped open. You were met with Yeosang standing next to you beside the bed and leaning down to peck your cheeks. Two pecks on the cheek later you wrap your arms around the back of his neck and pull him down to you. "Are you going to shower?" you ask exhaling dramatically. "Yes" Yeosang lifts his head and kissed your lips softly y and gently. "Let's shower together. Can you please carry me there?" Yeosang giggles and lift you off the bed taking you to the bathroom so both of you can shower together. "You are such a cute baby when you wake up in the morning." Yeosang laughs opening the bathroom door.


"babe wake up and eat" your favorite voice rang through your ears but your body had other plan. You didn't want to wake up. It's Friday your last day of work before the weekend and your body wanted to do nothing but stay in the warm bed sleeping for a couple for hours. "Babe wake up come on you have to eat breakfast." You groan and cover your eyes as San turns the lights on. He walks over to the bed and pulls you to the edge of the bed. "A few more Minutes please" you whined while pleading with him. He wrapped his left arm around your back and wrapped is right arm around your thighs. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he began lifting you effortlessly out of bed. "You said that an hour ago now come on let's eat." He sat you down at the table where your plate was already served and kissed your forehead before sitting back down in front of you to eat as well.


Both of you waking up on time was a disaster. The bed was so warm. His hugs were so cozy. His heartbeat and gentle breathing lulled you to sleep and kept you asleep. "Babe, your alarm is going off wake up." His lips brushed against your forehead as you reach back to turn your phone off. "I refuse to wake up." You mumble burying yourself deeper into his chest. He pulled you closer getting comfortable in a new position. Your second alarm went off and he woke up and got out of bed. "Babe nooo!" You whine as the cold hit your barely clothed body. Mingi turned the lights on and then sat back in bed. He hovered over you, kissing your lips every two seconds. "Good morning!" he whispers on your lips pulling you up to sit next to him so it's easier for you to wake up. "it's only a good morning because you started my day with kisses." you pout as he laughs at you.


He held you closer the second someone knocked on the door to wake you two up. "Woo I think they are trying to wake us up." He groans and pulls you even closer to where you are almost on top of him as he rolls over a little. "I don't want to get up yet!" You giggled and moved up to place a small kiss on his lips. "I know but come on we have to get up." You placed another small kiss on his lips moving away quickly but he stopped you. "Kiss me properly and I will get up. Only if we can shower together so my day starts out right." You laugh and nod letting him flip you over so he hovers on top of you. "Good morning" you giggle seeing him all wide eyed with sleep still evident in his face. "Good morning" he whispers lowering his eyes to your lips and then leaning in to kiss you.

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