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"Wooyoung I feel like I am the only person that has not seen Seonghwa's playful side." I was sitting in a Cafe with Wooyoung waiting for our order. We were on our weekly best friend date and he was checking his schedule for the week.

"Well, there is a reason for that" He places his phone on the table and looks up at me fixing his glasses.

"What is the reason? Is it me? Do I make him uncomfortable?" I asked without a breath in between questions. Wooyoung chuckled, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

"Why are you so concerned about that?" My cheeks flushed and I avoided eye contact. I didn't know if now was the right time to break this news to him.

"Well... You see..." I started. He rested his chin on his hand that was propped on the table and looked at me with a smug smile.

"Are you going to spit it out or am I going to have to?" He chuckled fondly at my sigh and eye roll.

"You already know don't you?" I said in a defeated tone.

"(Y/N) its obvious you like him. Your face can not hide anything at all." I slumped back in my seat and thanked the waiter who brought us our order.

"So I am guessing he knows as well" I pout placing a small potato in my mouth and chewing sadly.

"He does and that is why he tries to show off around you. I just think its dumb that you two dont speak to each other face to face. I already know if I walk into the dorms without you he will ask me a million questions." My face lit up a bit but I still had a lot more questions. We finished eating and decided to walk back to the dorm instead of taking a taxi or the company car.

"Do you think I should make the first move?" I asked Wooyoung after he unlocked the door.

"You know I don't know but I have an Idea... Go hide somewhere you can see and hear everything. I promise you won't regret it... well unless you get caught." He pushed me into the door and I hid behind the couch.

"I hope this goes well" I yell out before he shushes me.

"I AM HOME!" Wooyoung yells into the dorm and all you hear are footsteps walking into the living room.

"How was your weekly BFF date?" I heard San ask, happy Wooyoung is back home.

"You were with (Y/N) today?" Seonghwa asked, coming out of the hallway.

"Yeah, I was. We went to eat then walked here" Wooyoung said normally.

"Is she okay? Did she eat? Did she seem happy? Do you have a picture with her today?" He started talking a million miles a second.

"Dude calm down! She is fine." Wooyoung tried not to laugh.

"Why do you care?" San asked, winking at me and sitting on the couch and seeing me because Wooyoung had mentioned it to him.

"Is that really a question you need the answer to?" Seonghwa said, a little annoyed.

"Yes, we need actual words and not a vibe." Wooyoung sat next to San texting me directions to follow.

"Fine... I like her more than a friend and just want to know if she is okay?" He walked away and I ran to the bathroom as quietly and fast as possible.

"So why don't you tell her?" I flushed the toilet, washed my hands to make it seem more real, and opened the door.

"Who are you guys talking about?" I asked nonchalantly. Seonghwa's face dropped and San tried not to laugh as Wooyoung was already busting a lung.

"How long have you been here?" He asked, looking at the two crackheads on the couch.

"I never said she went home!" Wooyoung says gasping for air. I shrugged pretending I didn't know what was going on.

"Fuck it... I like you (Y/N)" He walked towards me and kissed me like in a dramatic K-Drama making the two crackheads silent not expecting that. I moved my lips in sync with his while his hand held the back of my head gently and his body slowly was getting closer and closer to me.

"I like you too..." I whispered giggling a little while he smiled his famous smile.

"By the way, I am telling Hongjoong to be prepared for the punishment." He said pointing to San and Wooyoung who now looked scared.

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