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- Hongjoong

"Babe can you help me with the zipper" I yell to Hongjoong. He was in the kitchen getting water while I was trying on a new dress for a work party I was forced to attend.

"Yes" he said nervously. I stood in front of the mirror watching him overthink touching me by moving his hands forward to grab the zipper but then back to find another angle.

"Are we dating?" I asked with my eyes glued to his figure in the mirror. He looks up making eye contact with me in the mirror blushing.

"Yes" he said confidently that time.

"Then why are you scared to touch me?" I asked my follow up question.

"Well... am I allowed to touch you?" He questioned. I clenched my jaw and turned around to face him.

It hasn't been long since Hongjoong and I started dating. We were still in the getting to know each other haven't even kissed phase. He was super respectful about everything and always asked permission before doing anything... literally anything. Which is why we haven't kissed yet.

"You are my boyfriend so you can touch me whenever you want?!" I half said half questioned to see his reaction.

"Turn around" he sighs and repeated the process of before.

I was getting slight irritated by him so I turned around causing the dress to fall off my shoulders. I looked down and back at him trying not to look down I sighed and took his hand and placed it on my boob.

His eyes widened as he looked at his hand and back at me a few times.

"You are touching me and it's normal as a couple... now can we hurry this up!" He nods and places his hands on my shoulder turning me around. I reposition the dress and watch him move my hair to the side and zip up the dress.

"Do you like it?" He asks looking at me in the mirror.

"I do! Do you like it?" He smiles nervously pulling me into a back hug.

"I think you look beautiful" he whispers leaving a peck on my cheek. My cheeks turned red Instantly and my stomach erupted with butterflies.

"Thanks" I said shyly.

He started unzipped the dress when his lips hit my bare shoulder. I smiled until his lips found a sensitive spot close to my neck. My eyes widened trying to keep calm when he turned me around.

He stared down at me with his bottom lip between his teeth and a sexy look on his face. His hands travel down my side landing on my hips.

"I'm going to kiss you now" he warned when our lips were only millimeters apart.

He connects his lips with mine in a gentle chaste kiss. He pulled away to look at me then leaned back in to kiss me deeper. Our lips moved in sync causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. His tongue found mine causing my heart to jump and for me to take a deep breath.

He pulls away and finished unzipping my dress before walking out leaving me dumbfounded of what just happened.

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