Auaurora and the 8 pages

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A week had passed since the last episode, all the competitors had been able to rest and get to know better the guest, the terrifying and powerful Witch of Theater, Drama and Expectation, Featherine Agustus Aurora, Auaurora to Bernkastel.

A week had passed since the last episode, all the competitors had been able to rest and get to know better the guest, the terrifying and powerful Witch of Theater, Drama and Expectation, Featherine Agustus Aurora, Auaurora to Bernkastel

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This witch was someone quite reserved and she limited herself to writing in her spare time, as well as pestering Bernkastel, offering her some cat food.

"Why did you invite her, stupid human?" The Witch of Miracles had asked, pushing aside the spoon of whiskas that Featherine offered her.

"Her title carries drama, I HAD to invite her," Chris explained.

"Why did you invite her, stupid human?" The Witch of Miracles had asked, accepting the spoon of whiskas that Featherine offered her and eating with gusto.

"STOP DOING THAT!" Bernkastel shrieked, spitting, savoring, the food that Aurora had so lovingly procured for her.

"It's fun, cat," the powerful witch smiled, taking her pen from the book.

Also, during the week, Dlanor and 45 developed a good friendship, all based on being the most adorable adults. A thing that neither Beato nor Eva liked.

"This is against team rules, 45!" The Golden Witch lectured when she found out.

"I hate to agree with the witch, but she's right, besides," she transformed into Evatrice, "I'm the cutest!" She flicked her lashes in a very adorable way. "And I'm not fucking called Evatrice! I am EVA-Beatrice! Dammit!"

Evatrice insisted all this time on calling her EVA-Beatrice, but nobody cared. Back in the present, Featherine was telling Chris something troubling. Making him tremble with fear and call all the participants urgently.

"You pieces of shit, go to the center of the fucking camp, now!" Was heard through the megaphones.

"Shit! Shit!" Chris said, over and over.

"Shit! Uuu Shit!" María said with a huge smile, while her mother looked horrified.

"You are the piece of shit!" Was the first thing Eva said when she arrived, but then she saw the presenter in a fetal position, sucking his thumb. "Hey, are you okay?" She approached him.

"No, he's not right, daughter of man," Featherine spoke in a worried tone.

"If Featherine is worried, it must be something very bad." Bern bit her lip in fear and anxiety.

"It's all over useless people! We have no escape!" Lambdadelta yelled, before being slapped by Bernkastel, who came out of nowhere.

"Don't panic bitch!" Slap "Everything will be fine!" Slap "It doesn't matter if Featherine is pissing herself!" Slap.

"Argh! OUCH! "Let go of me, my love, I already understood!" Lambdadelta yelled between slaps.

"What's the problem?" Ange asked, with her typical bored look.

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