Chapter 4 UA exam and results

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3rd POV
The test had begun and as soon as Izuku entered he had found his first robot, A three pointer.He drew his sword out.
Izuku:So these are the robots huh,alright then I won't fail you master!Total concentration,Water breathing, first form:Water surface slash!

(Imagine the demon is the robot and wattpad the gif is not mine)He ran directly and slashed the robot earning his first few pointsIzuku:Alright, you can do this!Remember Tanjiros training FlashbackWe see two people on the top of a mountain

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(Imagine the demon is the robot and wattpad the gif is not mine)
He ran directly and slashed the robot earning his first few points
Izuku:Alright, you can do this!Remember Tanjiros training
We see two people on the top of a mountain.
Izuku:So Mr.tanjiro,why do I have to train my nose?
Tanjro:So that you can smell the where the danger is coming from,while it's true you have good reflexes and speed ,you lack to know where the danger is coming from and where to slash in a fight, which can have is bad times.So in order to train your nose i'm going to set traps and your job is to find where they are and destroy them,but one wrong moves mean death,in real life battle.
Izuku:okay if you say so
They started training and at first Izuku failed to sense where the traps were and where to slash them.When he did find them,he slashed the wrong part and it triggered the trap hitting him in the process.
It took some time but Izuku managed to learn to use his nose to find and slash the traps.
Flashback End
Izuku:calm down and sniff the air*sniffs the air*I can smell where they are,the stronger scents mean three pointers,the mild ones are two pointers and one pointers.
Izuku runs off deeper into the fake city to get more points.He spots a row of two pointers and approaches them

Izuku:Time to try a new breathing technique.
He gets into a stance and mutters
Izuku:Thunder breathing, first form:Thunderclap and flash.
He flashed past them and the robots were slashed in an instant.
In the surveillance room
In dark room filled with monitors
???:My,my, we have an interesting batch this year.
A rat-like creature said while sipping a cup of tea,this was none other than the principal of UA,Nezu.
???:Yes Nezu,This batch is quite promising, especially my daughter.
A deleted All Might said.
???:Now,we don't know if your daughter is the best.
Nezu:I agree with Vlad,we have all types of students.Some who are using their heads*shows a camera at a guy with multiple arms on top of a building*some who remain calm in a heated situation.*shows a blond french kid calm and looking at the camera while shooting a robot with a laser from his belly button*and some who only use brute force.*shows Bakugou blowing up a robot and Izumi crushing robots with her quirk*
Vlad:What about this kid*Points to Izuku who is switching between breathing forms slashing robots *
Another guy whose face looks like a monster picks up a file.
???:Here it is umm, his name is Izuku Kamado,and it appears that he's quirkless.
All might look pale as they read his name,this went unnoticed by everyone.
Vlad:How is that possible?He is using water and lighting to defeat the robot!How can somebody be quirkless if they're able to do that
All might:No matter if they're quirkless he won't make it.My daughter is the top scorer.
He said in a booming voice.A hobo looking man then spoke
???: I don't think so,she is currently in 3rd place after boom boy.That sword kid is currently in the top.
And true to his word he had 120 points which nearly almost beat All Might's record of 150 points.
All might:Is my daughter still not enough even with one for all?!
Nezu:Well Yagi lets see how your daughter and this kid react to this.
He pushes a glowing red button.
Back outside
Izuku:Alright, that's 125 points
He sheaths his sword to move to another area until the ground starts rumbling startling everyone.
Izuku:What was that?!Was that an earthquake?It can't be, not in the middle of a test.*suddenly he picks up a scent more stronger than small robots*What is this smell?

He runs to where the smell is coming from,Suddenly the final robot emerges, the zero pointer
Izuku:Holy crap isn't that a bit too big?!So this is the zero pointer,they weren't kidding when this was an obstacle and to avoid it.Better not engage it.
Everyone else flees from the Zero pointer to get to a safe area,as Izuku was turning around he saw that blue haired kid was running as well.

Izuku:tch and here we were talking all big.

Izuku was about to run as well until he heard a scream.He turned around to see that it was that girl that was having a hard time breathing,it seemed that her leg was stuck underneath the rubble.
Izuku:I have to help her.

He ran to her and tried to get the rubble off her.He managed to do it and carried her bridal style out of the danger.
In the distance someone else was there and it was none other than Izuku's sister.She was scared/stuck in place not moving until she screamed and ran away.

The zero pointer advanced forward going straight after them.

Izuku:Crap, it's still chasing us!There's only one thing to do!I'm sorry miss but I'm gonna leave you here,I have to take care of it or it will keep chasing us.*places her down after getting some distance*
Izuku turns around and starts running towards the robot while unsheathing his sword.All the other contestants are shocked from afar.

???:What is he doing?!
???:Is he insane?!
???:no one can take that down!
Back to Izuku,he stops running and concentrates.
Izuku:All right Izuku you can do this unleash the most precise final form.Total concentration.*starts running again*Water breathing ten form!Constant flux!
Izuku runs at it with full speed with a water dragon following the tip of his sword
The contestants and the UA staff look surprised and shocked as he runs to it.

Izuku runs to it and the robot tries to hit him with it's arm but it was slashed by Izuku when it got in close.He ran up the other arm to destroy the head
Izuku:Got to close the gap and give it everything I've got!*sees the opening thread*I see it! I know where to slash!

He jumps to where the head is and swings his sword with all his might.
Izuku:arghhhhh*slashes through the head *
After he swings his sword he slashes the head causing the whole body to explode.He manages to get back on the ground safely but not before breathing hard.

Izuku:I guess I took up too much stamina.
He walked back to the girl as an old granny walked up to them.
???:My,my are okay dearies?

Izuku:I'm fine,but I think she has a broken ankle.

The old lady kisses her ankle and it slowly heals
???:you're seeing a school nurse in action.This is thePro heroine Recovery girl,she's the only reason UA is allowed to hold these exams
RG:here go deary have some gummies
She gives everyone gummies and after that everybody goes home.

Small time skip

We see Izuku in his master home tidying up until he hears his crow(forgot to mention but he will have a crow) with a letter that has the UA stamp.
Crow:caw ,caw I have a letter for Izuku from UA,Caw!

He grabs his letter and opens it up to see a disc come out and shows some hobo looking man telling him that he has been accepted with a total of 170 points.
Izuku puts the letter away and throws the disk away,he walks outside and crouches down to a grave

Izuku:Well I guess this is it.It's all thanks to you master that i can become a hero now.

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