Chapter 19

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The next day Izuku managed to cut the boulder in half despite the weights he had on each arm, so Lord Tengen decided to be generous and take him out to a patrol.In the midst of patrol they encountered a robbery,but let's just say it didn't go as planned.

"Let me die," Izuku muttered, as he laid motionless on the floor.

"No," Lord Tengen responded, turning back as he picked Izuku up. "Why are you so down, young Kamado, we stopped the robbery and stopped some villains."

"I just flirted with a villain and I didn't even know it! I want to go and die so I can never show my face again!" Izuku groaned as he covered his face.

" really are innocent,sheesh" Tengen said. "Anyway, tomorrow we will be heading to Hosu City, we were given a mission by the hero association to find the Hero Killer Stain, " Lord Tengen said.

"Hold on, I'm only an intern,yet you're taking me on a dangerous mission?Shouldn't I get more training first?"Izuku asked

"There is no better training than real world experience. Now remember, if you find yourself in a situation with the hero killer, do not engage unless I give you the signal, got it?"

"Yeah," Izuku mumbled.

The next day in the evening

Izuku and Lord Tengen walked into a train and sat down in their seats.While they waited Izuku asked a question,
"Lord Tengen sir, but if I may ask, how are you able to use a breathing technique?I thought people with quirks aren't able to?And how did you meet my master?"

Lord Tengen face was surprised with the question but then slowly frown before answering "Well, you see I'm able to use a breathing technique because I am quirkless" Izuku was surprised as he continued
"You see during Junior high I had lied and told everyone that my quirk was super hearing, they made fun of me, mostly the guys because they were envious of my good looks"He chuckles as he continues the story

"So one day our class has a field trip to the forest and I was put in the group where all the boys hated me,our task was to find landmarks that our teachers had scattered through the forest.So the boys somehow had led me to the middle of nowhere and knocked me unconscious.By the time I woke up it the sun was already setting.So with my hearing skills I tried to locate where my class was, I heard the sound of fire and wood crackle,so I ran as fast as I could until I located the fire, when I arrived my class wasn't there but instead a man dressed in a checkered haori,he was staring at the fire before turning towards me.He waved for to come over,he asked me what I was doing all alone,he took care of me until I was found,even went as far to teach me a breathing style when I told him I was quirkless, I went back to him even after when I was returned home.So you could say that was my flashy story of how I got a breathing technique and met master."

"Wow,that was a good story.That explains a lot,now I can breathe better knowing the truth."

While they were sitting they noticed that the city was up in explosions and flames, they heard a crash in a compartment behind him. Izuku and Tengen got up and ran backwards to see a Nomu had crashed into the train "That's a Nomu from the USJ attack!" Izuku shouted to Lord Tengen .

"I'll take care of it!" Lord Tengen, as he tackled the nomu out of the train.Izuku followed close by as he jumps outs of the moving train to see that Lord Tengen had unsheathed his dual blades and sliced the nomus brain to bits.

"So these were the nomu that were at the USJ,it seemed too easy."He said as he looked at the body."Lord Tengen!"He turns around to see Izuku there."Well then Rengoku,it seems that we procced on foot,come on!"He runs off jumping from roof to roof with Izuku behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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