Chapter 8

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Smoke covers the entire floor as the building shakes from the impact.
Izumi and Bakugou were grinning with joy knowing that their attack had killed the quirkless trash.

Inside the surveillance room
Everyone was shocked at what they just witnessed
All Might:They-y did it!Good job you two!He mentally cheered

Sato: No w-way, they just killed him?!

Uraraka:Why didn't you stop the fight All Might?You knew they were going too far.   She said with worry

All Might:Nah it's fine!Things like these happen!Don't worry he'll be fine.He tried to reassure them

Kaminari:Are you kidding me!?That attack would've killed anyone!  He shouted.

Tsuyu:At least Yaoyorozu is safe.Kero

Mina:I don't know about that,look!
She pointed to one of the monitors
One of the cameras showed Yaoyorozu on the floor.She was hit with a piece of rubble due to the explosion shaking the building.

Back outside
Bakugou and Izumi were smiling as they mocked him.Izumi was gripping her arm due to the repercussion of one for all

Bakugou:Haha! Guess he really was a nobody after all!

Izumi:Thats what he gets for acting all high and mighty!Crap this hurts so badly!
She holds her arm in pain

They were about to turn away when heard foot steps

???:You guys really tried to kill me.

Both: How!?You should've died!


As soon as the attack was launched Izuku muttered a few words

Izuku:Total concentration, Water breathing , eleventh form:Dead calm

As soon as the attack reached him it scattered going around him hitting the building, creating the smoke making seem as it had hi

Flashback over

Izuku:I'll tell you this once...
He appears from the smoke unharmed with his blade on hand.

Izuku:Until I fulfill my duty, I won't die , not by the likes of you scum!

Bakugo quickly broke out of his trance and tried to attack with a right hook

Izuku acted quickly

"Flame breathing, first form, Unknowing Fire"

In an instant Izuku sprints forward and quickly hits Bakugo in the neck with the side of his blade.

Bakugo manages to utter
"Damn Deku"as he falls unconscious
(No he doesn't explode although I wish he did)

As he finishes him,he looks toward Izumi .She's holding up a her finger with her non broken arm.

Izumi yells "I will win.SMA-ack"as she was about to send an Air Force bullet towards him he quickly strikes her neck

"Go to sleep"

She falls to the ground and Izuku drags her body next to Bakugo.He ties them up using the capture tape.

"Alright then,that's that.Got head to the bomb"he says as he sheaths his sword.

Inside the surveillance room

Many students were in shock and awe on how their class mate was able to survive unscathed from that attack

"Wow, he was able to survive that blast, that's so manly"

"I know right , that was awesome!"

"I've made some observations, he's using both fire and water.I wonder what his quirk is?Kero"

"That was very flamboyant!Elegant!"

"Revelry in the dark"

As they were talking among themselves one dual haired student watched from the back.

"Kamado huh? Where have I seen those earrings before?"

In front of the monitors All Might stared at the screens as Izumi and Bakugo were tied up and Izuku was running to the bomb room

"Damn it!They should have had no problem taking him down!grrr!If that nobody was able to beat my daughter who has one for all, then he must be associated with him!"

Back outside

Izuku was running up the stairs as he hadn't gotten a reply from Momo.He arrives at the room with ease as he sees momo slowly trying to crawl towards the bomb.
He walks over to her and pulls her arm over his shoulder

She speaks weakly as she looks away in shame

"Sorry I wasn't useful Kamado kun."

He shook his head and responds

"It's alright.Sometimes you got it, sometimes you don't.It's alright, we won."

He says as he places his hand on the bomb and the horn blows signaling the end.


Soon after the unconscious team was taken by the recovery bots along with Yaoyorozu to get patched up.
Izuku walked back to the room where his classmates were to finish up the class and head back.As soon as he open up the door he was bombarded with questions from his classmates.He laughs as they all ask their questions,but something stands out as All Might was starring at him with anger.

He wraps up the end of class as there told to to head back and change.


It was time to head home as Izuku was walking out the gates

???:Kamado kun!

He turns around as Momo catches up to him

"Oh hey Yaoyorozu,do you need something?"

They walk together out the gates

"I-I wanted to apologize again for not being able to help out during today's exercise."

"It's all right, no need to apologize."

A car pulled up to the entrance

"Well my ride is here, I guess this is where we part ways."

"Well then I'll see you tomorrow."

He turns around and starts walking away


He turns his head around

"What is it-"

He was interrupted as she gave him a peck on his cheek

"See you tomorrow!"

She says as she hurry's into her ride.The car drives off as he stays there.His face heats up as he touches his cheek.

"What just happened?"

With Yaoyorozu

"Why did I do that?!"

She says as she blushes red

" Could it be that I like Kamado kun?"

To be continued...

Alright that's that.So just wanted to know your guy's opinion or ideas you want in this story.I would also like your thoughts wether I should have other people learn the breathing styles and who should learn it.Also this will also include some Izuku x Nejire.Please don't be afraid to leave comments, I will respond to anyone who comments.That is all .Peace ✌️

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