Chapter 11

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3rd POV

While Aizawa and Izuku were taking care of most of the villans. A man with many hands on his body was scratching his neck like a maniac.

"Crap! They're not even the final boss!Yet all my minions are down! They're just side quests!"

Suddenly Kuroguri appeared next to him

"So, Kurogiri, did you take of them?"He said still scratching his neck

"I'm sorry shigaraki, but one of them managed to escape.The good news is 13 is out of commission"

"Dammit Kurogiri!If you weren't our escape route I would have turned you to dust already!"He screamed at him,then turns back to observe Eraser head


As Aizawa was fighting he looked at Shigaraki

"Are you the leader?!"He charged him throwing his capture gear

He evaded the cloth as Aizawa ran in and elbowed him in the gut


At that moment Aizawa blinked and Shigaraki touched his elbow slowly decaying it as muscle tissue was shown

He kicked him and jumped back

"You know Eraser, long fights aren't your style.It hard to tell who's quirk you're erasing with your hair moving around, but I ve figured out you can only go 45 seconds before having to blink again.I was saving my powerful minion for All Might but seeing that you and your student have taken them all down,I guess nows a good time.Kurogiri bring out the nomu." He told the purple mist beside him to bring the nomu.

Then out of the purple mist comes out a figure as tall as All might with a exposed brain.

"Nomu attack him!"He orders it as it lets out a screech before it disappears and reappears next to him

"Aizawa sensei!Watch out!"Izuku leaps as fast as the nomu to strike him

"Nomu don't let that brat interfere."Shigaraki orders as the nomu obeys

The nomu punches Izuku, but he quickly blocks the punch with his blade before being sent crashing into stair case


Aizawa tries his best to win against the nomu but he is ultimately beaten.
The nomu smashes his head against the floor.

Shigaraki laughs as Aizawa is beaten

"You thought you could beat my nomu?He was meant to kill All Might.He has multiple quirks!"

Izuku lifted his head to see his teacher be beat to pulp


He slowly gets up using his sword to support him.

"My body hurts so much, but I have to move.Get in the fight, protect him.I won't allow anyone to die!"

He fully stands up and grabs his sword with both hands.

"Total concentration breathing"He runs as he disappears leaving a trail of flames behind

"This is the end for you Eraser,goodbye." As the nomu lifts his head and is about smash it one more time before

"Total concentration, Flame breathing, Fifth form!Flame tiger!"

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