Chapter 17

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3rd POV

A man was standing on top of another man who was wearing armor.The man pulled out a blood soaked blade out of the armored man waist.

"I will rid this world of fake heroes and create a new society where people only like All Might are allowed to live.Let this be a lesson to you fakes who are heroes only for the fame and money."The man sheaths his blade and wall jumps out of the alley just as more heroes arrive on the scene

Back to the Sports festival after the first round of the quarter finals the other battles continued

"I'll end this quickly!DIE!!!" Bakugou yelled.

He blasted forwards towards Izumi, dodging her telekinetic grabs and launching a stun grenade explosion at Izumi stunning her

"That's a dirty trick Kacchan!"She says in a mocking tone
"Take this!"She bends her fingers as she sends a huge air blast towards.

He dodges as he closes in.
"Die!"He sends a big explosion towards her launching her away

He smirks thinking he has won until 4 air blast emerged from the smoke.With out any time to react he quickly did what came to mind.


He unleashed a huge explosion straining his arms as he saw that force had pushed Izumi out of bounds

"Izumi is out of bounds.The winner is Bakugou Katsuki!" Midnight shouted.

The next match shortly begin after wards

"Begin!" Midnight called out.

Tokoyami quickly unleashes dark shadow in hopes of ending the match quickly as he did before.

Kirishima figured this would happen as he quickly hardens his body and charges at dark shadow.They clash as Kirishima pushes dark shadow along with Tokoyami back near the out of bounds.

"Crap...if this goes on I'll be pushed out...Dark shadow return!"Tokayami mentally says as Dark shadow returns

"What's he doing?...Does he want to fight me like a man?Thats so manly! "Kirishima thinks as he full on charges Tokoyami without a second thought

As soon he gets close Tokayami charges and evades his frontal attack
"Dark shadow now!"Dark shadow emerges once more as he quickly sends barrages of attacks on Kirishima overwhelming him creating a mini dust cloud.As the cloud disappear Kirishima is seen pinned down on the floor by dark shadows claws.

"Kirishima is unable to move.The winner is Fumikage Tokoyami!" Midnight cracks her whip.

The crowd cheers as Tokoyami helps Kirishima up.
"Thanks for this manly match"he says smiling

"Let the final match of the quarter final start!"Present mic yells

Lida and Kaminari stare at each other as they smile.
"Begin!"Midnight yells

Kaminari rapidly tries to unleash his full power attack to finish the fight quickly.

"Indiscriminate shock 1.2 milli- " He was cut off as Lida charged him

"Recipro burst!"He yells as gets behind Kaminari and pushes him out of bounds before he even knew it.

"Ayo what the f—"

" Denki Kaminari is out of bounds.The winner is Tenya Lida!" Midnight shouted.

The crowd cheers as they just witness the second fastest match.

"Now folks we're on to the semi finals; these battles will decide who moves on to the finals!"Present Mic shouts as Aizawa just groans.
"I wanna take a nap."

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