Chapter 6 (edited)

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It was another day at UA and today was a special day because today they had Hero training.
Everyone was excited to find out who their teacher for their class was gonna be.

Kaminari:I bet our teacher is a hero since all our other teachers are.

Mina:Probably it's someone super strong.

Suddenly the door swings open and a voice fills the room


As soon as All Might entered, Izumi was shocked the most,this went unnoticed by everyone except Izuku.

Kirishima:Woah it's All Might!

Kaminari:No way!The rumors are true! He is a teacher!

???:He's in his silver age costume.

All Might:Yes It is I.In this Class you will learn the basics of being a pro hero.Today's lesson is....(he pulls a card labeled Battle)Battle Training!

Everyone looks excited but no one was more excited than izumi and Bakugou


Both:Finally time to show Deku where he belongs!

Izuku looked neutral with what was happening,but in his head he was wondering why Izumi was shocked to see All might.He decided that he would ignore it for now

All Might:But you can't be a hero by itself, you must look it.*pushes a button and 20 briefcases come out*You each submitted a design for a costume when you enrolled.Once you're done changing meet me at the training grounds.
He zooms out the door

Everyone grabs their case with their number and heads to the locker room

In the locker rooms.

Kirishima:wow bro those are some manly scars you got there.What kind of training regimen did you use to get those muscles.

Izuku: thanks I guess.As for my training I guess you could say that I ran up and down a mountain that has traps set up.

Kirishima:Wow, that's so manly!

Izuku:Alright well I'm done changing, see you outside.

His costume

(Imagine he has a wooden sword next to his real one

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(Imagine he has a wooden sword next to his real one.and yes he will have the rengokus sword guard)

While the rest of the class was changing.Izuku finished early as he headed towards the training area.
He was the first to make it as everyone else had started coming out as well.He saw everyone's costume and kinda blushed when he saw Momo's .

She had a red vest leotard that hardly covered any skin and a book she carries in her back.She walks over hims and greets him

Momo:Hey Kamado, I like your costume,but why do you have another sword?

Izuku:oh uh...I got a wooden one so that i don't accidentally injure anyone... and thank you, I like your costume too, but don't you think that a bit too revealing?
Momo:I thought so too but my quirk requires that I have exposed areas.

Izuku:Well if want to ... I ...could help you improve it.

Momo:Really,I would really appreciate it.Thank you very much.
All Might:Alright then,now that everyone is here let me explain the exercise.A villain team has hidden a bomb inside a building,its the hero team job to find and defuse it before the time runs out. You may also use this capture string to capture the villain.Doing so takes that person out and unable to continue.

Lida:Sir how will we be choosing teams sir.*hand chops*

All Might:We will decide teams by drawing lots.You see, in the hero world there are times where we must work with somebody we don't know.So now that I cleared that up lets begin.

Everyone drew their lots and teams went as follows.

Team A Todoroki Shoto & Tsuyu Asui vs Team C Shoji Mezo & Tokoyami Fumikage

Team B Aoyama Yuga & Ashido Mina vs Team E Kaminari Denki & Jiro Kyoka

Team F Ojiro Mashirao & Hakagure Tooru vs Team I Uraraka Ochako & Iida Tenya

Team H Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta vs Team K Sato Rikido & Koda Koji

Team J Yaoyorozu Momo & Kamado Izuku vs Team D Izumi Yagi & Bakugou Katsuki

With the two trouble makers

Izumi and Katsuki:So we're facing the nerd,finally I get the chance to beat him up.

With Izuku and Momo

Izuku:Well...uh...I guess we're on the same team and we're facing Izumi and Bakugou.

Momo:Alright then let's do our best Kamado!


Soon it was time to start the exercise.As the matches proceeded Izuku's match neared.
Of all the matches so far the teams that won were Team A from match one, Team E from match two, Team I from match three, and Team H from match four.
Finally it was Izuku's turn.

All Might:All right we will commence the final match of the day.Team J and Team D head down to the designated area.Both teams have 10 minutes to come up with a plan.

Izuku:Alright let's do this Yaoyorozu!

Momo:Do you have a plan Kamado-san?

Izuku:Yes I do.Knowing Izumi and Bakugou they'll probably try to come after me so they'll leave the bomb unprotected.

Momo:Alright, but what if they don't and one of them stays behind?

Izuku:In the case that they do that, in a fight your chances of victory are slim depending on who you fight,but not to worry, if you do fight one of the two, here's some tips.From what I've seen so far Izumi's quirk depends on her line of sight.

Momo:What makes you say that?

Izuku:Remember when we were throwing the ball on the test? Well I noticed that as soon as the ball was out of sight she received her score leading me to conclude that her quirk requires sight.So if she stays behind block her line of sight.

Momo:Alright, but what about Bakugou?What if he stays behind?

Izuku:Don't worry about him because if I know him, he'll probably come after me no matter what.

Meanwhile For Villain team.



They were too busy arguing that they haven't come up with a plan.

Izumi:Alright then let's make this a race.Whoever beats the nerd first is the winner and the loser must listen to whatever the winner says.

Bakugou:You're on!

Izumi smirked secretly.

Izumi:Hehe...he doesn't know about one for all yet.With my two quirks I'll be guaranteed victory and I might as well teach that quirkless brother of mine a lesson.

Suddenly All Might's voice ran through the speakers.

AllMight:Alright times up!Heroes may now enter!Begin!!

Izumi/Bakugou/Izuku:No matter what, I'll win this!

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