Episode 12: Uhh...I live here?

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @Lilredshortcake, the first to comment on this story. Thank you so much for your kind words.

True to her word, Azula had left an outfit for him with the clerk at the front desk. As soon as he'd given his name they'd shown him to a changing room to the right of the entrance hall. Inside he'd found a black jacket embroidered with burgundy dragon designs and trimmed in gold. There were matching slacks of pure black and a dark red dress shirt that complimented the embroidery. It was slim fitted but perfectly suited to his form. He wondered for a moment how Azula could have gotten his measurements, but perhaps that was just another one of her superpowers.

Zuko even took the time to fix his hair, combing it back and stiffening it with some gel. When he looked in the mirror, his breathe caught on how much he looked like his father. Then his gaze strayed to the scar over his left eye.

No expense had been spared as Zuko was led to the exclusive portion of the club. At a table all on its own sat three girls he knew well. His sister, Azula. Mai, his bounty hunter friend and one of the only people who knew the Blue Spirit's true identity. And Ty Lee, a bubbly girl whom Zuko could never understand Azula's attachment to. At times it felt as though all of her sentences ended with exclamation points. She was so happy and shallow like her life was made of rainbows and cat videos. Zuko couldn't stand her.

They were all dressed as nicely as he was, Azula the perfect CEO's daughter in her fashionable suit. Mai had even deigned to add some color, a refreshing change from her usual wardrobe of black. Ty Lee wore a silk, Chinese style dress with a cherry blossom pattern. How fitting. They appeared to be talking quietly about something serious when his sister caught sight of him.

"Ah, nice of you to join us," Azula commented. "I see the clothes fit nicely. You look like a true member of the industry."

Mai's face held her usual bored expression as her eyes swept up and down his figure.

Ty Lee gushed, "Wow, Zuko! Its been so long since I've seen you! You look great! That color really makes your eyes pop."

Let's get this over with. Without a word, he slid into an open chair that allowed him a clear view of the exit.

Not a moment later, a waiter paused to place four shots of fireball on the table before moving on. Azula downed hers before giving Mai and Ty Lee a look that had them following suit.

Zuko didn't touch his. He wanted every last ounce of wit he had to face his sister. "You still haven't told me what you're doing here, Azula."

"I see we're still skipping pleasantries," she huffed, then waved a hand about the table. "I thought it obvious. I'm enjoying dinner with my brother and some friends."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it," Zuko growled through his teeth. His sister always brought out the worst in him. "Why are you on the island? Shouldn't you be halfway around the world studying how to be a lady or something?"

"Dad called me back," she replied. "Apparently some waterbender girl is causing him trouble and his top hunter isn't what he used to be."

Zuko paled.

"Have you heard of the Blue Spirit?" she asked, absently picking at her nails. "Apparently he's been sighted with the Painted Lady."

Mai hit Zuko with a glare, her eyes narrowed in suspicion while he kept his steady gaze forward.

"He's supposed to be bringing her in," Azula continued. "Some top administrator has been begging for the chance himself, but father thought this situation might need a touch more-" Her smile was that of a predator- "precision."

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