Episode 14: The After Party

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It was worse than she could have imagined.

Was the entire university shoved into the two-story club?

And worse, Sokka was making them wear party hats.

At least it was dark, the only light falling in colored strobes that shifted with the loud music. They had to practically shout to hear each other at the entrance.

Aang had separated from them to go feed Appa at his nearby apartment just before Zuko and Toph walked in. They were double checking they had the right bracelets for free drinks when a girl in a dark red dress walked up. She said hello to Sokka before turning to Zuko who was helping Katara with her bracelet.

"Finally worked things out with your girlfriend, I see." Jun sipped her punch.

They both blushed.

"She's not my girlfriend," Zuko grunted at the same time Katara insisted, "I'm not his girlfriend!"

Behind her, she vaguely heard Aang say 'pay up' and Toph reply 'not yet, Twinkle Toes.'

"Sounds fun," Jun replied with a smirk. "Anyways, great party, Sokka. Maybe I'll see you later."

Sokka was greeted by a couple more people on their way to the table they'd reserved for the night. He and Zuko ordered from a passing waiter but Suki said she liked watching the drinks be made and dragged Katara with her to the bar.

Getting the bar tender's attention, she said, "I'll have the club special." Suki tapped the counter then turned to Katara expectantly.

"Oh, I don't drink in public," Katara said. "Can I just have a water?"

"Sure," the bartender smiled at her. "Anything for such a pretty water tribe girl."

He winked at her and Katara leaned as far back as she could. He turned to Suki. "We have a new special," he said, his tone marginally less friendly.

"I'll take it, whatever it is." She waved him off. When he was gone, she grumbled, "Well, he noticed you, didn't he?"

"You know I'm not looking for anyone," Katara mumbled, her face burning as he returned to pass her a bottle of water.

"Because you already found someone?" Suki prodded, her eyes obviously indicating the boys seated at the table a little ways away.

Katara blushed deeper, thankful for the dim lighting. "No..."

Accentuated by her make-up and the darkness, Suki's smile was wicked. "You're warming up to him, aren't you?" she teased. "And he cooks, which is a plus. He actually kind of reminds me of your dad, now that I think about it..."

"Suki," Katara lowered her voice, "did you see that cake?"

"I told you." she poked her. "He's Mr. Perfect. Good at everything."

"We talking about Zuko?" Toph asked, hopping onto the barstool at Katara's right. "We make fun of him so much to keep him humble."

"And he can't make jokes," Suki pointed out.

"What are you talking about?" Katara asked, "he's hilarious."

The two girls stared at her for a moment before both bursting into laughter.

"You got it bad, Sugar Queen," Toph said.

"Oh, yeah?" Katara demanded. "What about Suki? She thinks Sokka is funny."

The painted girl immediately stopped laughing, her eyes wide. Katara imagined that under that layer of white she would find a prominent blush.

"Sokka is kind of like the crazy uncle," Toph continued, unaware. "Zuko is more the dad of our group."

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