Episode 28: The Showdown That Was Always Meant To Be

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A/N: I tried. Please don't hate me!

Zuko hated ceremonies. The only procession he'd been looking forward to had been his graduation from college and here he was, missing it, to go to a stupid groundbreaking ceremony directly over the rubble of the building that had been his second home for the past four years. The suit Azula had fitted him into was a solid black with gold buttons. Next to him in the back seat of the limo she wore a matching black dress with golden patterns woven across the neckline and hem.

She was on her phone, probably coordinating with Ty Lee and Mae. They hadn't come back from their shopping trip until late last night and Azula had been in a particularly good mood. It had been unsettling to see her grinning, almost skipping, through the halls as they'd readied themselves over the course of the day.

The drive was depressing to say the least. Silence between the siblings, Zuko tried to amuse himself by staring out the window. Except the only view was a defeated city. It was worse in the evening. The larger buildings seemed even more dilapidated and the lack of light made everything look sinister in an (out-to-get-you) kind of way. He could see small fires burning at the ends of odd alleys just like they'd used to burn in the villages, only now there wasn't a Painted Lady coming to save them.

"Don't be so broody, it's not a good look for you."

Zuko glared at his sister. "Sorry, I'm still working on my aloof chin and superior eyes."

"It's not a joke, brother," she sighed, "people aren't going to respect you if you don't show them their place."

Near pouting, Zuko looked away and Azula sighed again.

"Zuko." She placed a hand on his arm. Her fingernails were long and gold to match her dress. They shone on and off in the light that passed through the window.

"It's time you remember who you are. You are Zuko, son of Ozai, heir to the Phoenix dynasty. You were born for this."

It was encouraging, until she said, "forget that little peasant girl. She was only distracting you."

Zuko looked at her. "What did you say?"

The car stopped.

"Ah, we're here," Azula said, and she turned to exit the car.

Zuko recognized the building as the old inn Ms. Wu used to run. It had a wide open entrance built in the mission style of rounded entryways. The second floor of rooms overlooked a courtyard with a fountain that now also held a small stage and a podium. Beautiful flower arrangements adorned the intricate railings, vines cascading down upon the crowd making a natural veil between the ceremony and the empty rooms that were soon to be demolished. In a depressing moment, Zuko thought of the fact that he could empathize with the inn. Decorated on the outside, on the inside just waiting for the few remains that were left to be crushed.

Snap out of it, Zuko. It's not that bad. Think of all the things you have to be grateful for. You have a diploma, your family back, your company name. Katara and her family are safe.

About a dozen people were already present, men in suits milling about the open space discussing the magnificent progress of the industry.

There were a couple of representatives from the mainland as well as a couple CEO's from neighboring companies. Some were allies, and some his father had invited to gloat his success over. Walking forward, Zuko also noticed a singular member dressed in a peculiar head covering. So the Sun Warrior manager was already here.

As the two heirs parted the crowd, Zuko noticed the small patch of dirt that had been unearthed for the ceremony. The giant stone tiles that had floored this courtyard since it had been built over a hundred years ago had been broken into pieces so that they could push a shovel into its foundation at 'an aesthetic setting'.

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