Bonus Chapter: Graduation

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Pulling at his tie, Zuko debated the true worth of returning to campus only to pick up a piece of paper. Couldn't they have mailed the dang thing? True, the piece of paper was what allowed him to be the CEO of his massively thriving company, but wearing a suit through a crowded park in the heat of the day was not something he necessarily had to enjoy.
Turning, he saw Katara, Sokka, and pretty much everyone else he loved gathered around a strange platform in the middle of the park.
"What's this?" He asked, getting closer.
Katara came forward to meet him, she looked beautiful in a long white dress that cinched at the waist and simple brown sandals. After giving him a jumping hug she kissed his cheek and pulled back. "It's your graduation!"
" what?"
"Well." Toph was next in the line to greet him. "Sokka got to walk, but you were a little busy making the biggest mistake of your life. Seems unfair that the valedictorian and recipient of the King's award didn't get to collect his official honors."
The small crowd parted to reveal two chairs on the platform as well as a podium. Standing behind the podium was the dean of the business school who waved tentatively at Zuko. Next to the podium was a small table with a sash and some medals.
"Close your mouth before something lays eggs in it." Suki pushed his jaw shut before throwing a black tarp at him. "Put that on."
It wasn't a tarp, but rather a gown with a green collar.
"Good thing he always dresses stuffy, wouldn't want to look ridiculous in the photos." Toph sniffed, taking Zuko's backpack after he slid it off his shoulders.
Katara helped him zip up the gown so the collar and tie of his shirt remained visible, then tapped his chest lightly with an open palm, her eyes sparkling up at him. He smiled back.
"I'm proud of you," she whispered. Swooping down, he stole a quick kiss and grinned like a child. Ever since his father had been rejected and the world had returned to normal, they'd entered what Suki called the 'honeymoon phase' and Sokka often referred to as 'oogie-town'.
"None of that."
Zuko's vision was momentarily cut off by an object being shoved on his head. After she laughed, Katara helped him adjust the cap Sokka had thrown.
"He's ready," she called behind her. Aang pushed a button on a nearby boombox and the slow thrum of pomp and circumstance floated through the small clearing.
It took two steps for Zuko to arrive on the stage and take a seat next to the dean at which point Toph hit the box and it shut off with a disheartened static. Hakoda laughed until Katara smacked him in the stomach.
"Dear family and friends," the dean said, addressing the six people staring at them. "We have gathered here to celebrate Zuko's growth and achievements in the business world. After arriving in my office four years ago, a small factory boy-"
"BOO!" A handful of grass hit the dean across the chest as Toph continued her complaint. "Boo, no talking!"
Katara flicked Toph's wrist as she readied another handful of grass. "Don't boo at him," she reprimanded.
"As I was saying," the dean continued after a moment's hesitation. "Zuko has arrived at this point, not only graduating with top scores from the Sozin school of business, but also with the king's award for excellence."
"Wrap it up already," Toph grunted, crossing her arms. Katara rolled her eyes, but didn't bother to try a second reprimand.
After motioning for Zuko to stand up, the dean picked up the sash and placed it over Zuko's head. Next he grabbed the medals from the same table.
"It is my pleasure to also award Zuko with the valedictorian medal as well as the medal of students. He was voted by his class as the most likely to succeed."
Sokka let out a loud, "HA, nerd."
The dean hesitated. "Are you sure you're here to support Zuko?"
The graduate in question laughed. "This is how they show affection. Thank you for doing this."
Smiling, the dean placed each medal over his pupil's head one at a time, forcing Zuko to bend down so that he could reach. "We are all very proud of you. I look forward to hearing about your many accomplishments in the future as you move on from our humble home of academia. Congratulations."
"Thank you, sir." Zuko shook his hand with a firm grip before turning to bow at his makeshift family. The small group whooped and cheered, the flash of a camera momentarily blinding Zuko as he grinned down at them.
"Throw the hat!" Suki called.
"Hey, that hat was expensive," Sokka countered.
Zuko threw the hat at his face.
It took about an hour to disassemble the small platform and return the podium to the room Aang had stolen it from. Toph mysteriously disappeared as soon as the fun was over and the work began. Zuko knew she would turn up later, most likely when the food arrived.
After that, Katara insisted on taking pictures in the prettiest sections of the park. Zuko would have hated every moment if she didn't reward him with a beaming smile every time he successfully posed for a new photo. Then she was in the pictures with him and it didn't seem nearly as daunting. He enjoyed holding her close, having her excitedly pointing at his medals and trying on the hat Sokka had been guarding with his life since retrieving it.
It was when they were in front of some particularly garish sunflowers that Zuko was finally able to rest his sore cheeks while Suki adjusted the flash on her camera for the new lighting.
"I bet we could put these in your office," Katara mused, tugging on his sash and twirling one of his medal's straps. "Show off your honors."
"You mean my nerdiness," he teased.
She smiled at him. "It's one of the things I like most about you."
"Let's be honest then." He removed his medals and passed them to her. Katara took them, but not without giving him a questioning look as he also removed his sash.
"I wouldn't have made it without you." He placed the sash around her head and fixed it so it rested across her torso. "You deserve some of the credit."
She started laughing at him, but it was cut off as he bent to grab up her feet and swing her around.
"Smile!" Suki called.
Still holding Katara, wearing his sash and holding his medals, he grinned at the camera.
Sokka pointed and yelled, "Oogies!" while everyone else laughed.

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