Episode 22: The Spirit Dance

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Zuko was wearing the same fancy clothes Azula had gotten for him two weeks prior. He'd need to buy more suits if he planned on rejoining the company this summer. Tugging at the collar, he fought the urge to frown. Why did people dress up for plays? It wasn't like the actors could see them. You didn't dress up to go to the movies or concerts.

Reaching the bakery, he rapped his knuckles against the door twice and waited.

It wasn't like he was applying for a job or eating at a fancy restaurant or going to a company gala. It was pure social pressure from long past snooty dead people. Tradition. And Zuko was ready to be the first to start a new trend.

Katara opened the door.

So that's why people dress up.

She was wearing a traditional style blue dress with a high collar and silk ties. The sleek fabric clung to her upper body before floating gently to her feet. A wide sash of white was belted around her waist accentuating her slight yet curvy figure. Her bangs were looped but her hair had been twirled into a braid and then styled into a bun. She was also wearing make-up which he'd only seen her in once before, at Sokka's party. The dark lining accentuated the crystal blue of her eyes and the pink of her lips contrasted the tan tone of her skin perfectly.

She smiled at him. "I'm guessing that means I look good?"

Zuko closed his mouth and breathed deeply through his nose to ease his burning lungs. "Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"I just need to grab my purse really quickly," she said. "You have the tickets?"

He held them up.

"And you're sure you know how to get there?"

"I do, it's not far from here so we'll probably walk, but I also have it GPSed into my phone just in case."

"And you-"

"Katara?" He leaned in close. "I got this. All you need is your purse."

"Sorry." She moved to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear out of habit as her hair was pinned up. "Force of habit."

"I understand," he nodded, thinking of all those years she'd been living with Hakoda and Sokka. He loved those guys, but they weren't the most prepared. "You may also want to bring a coat, it's supposed to get chilly tonight. I can carry it for you though."

"That's ok," she started to say, walking back into the bakery. Her heels clicked with each step across the tile.

"Katara?" He tried again with a smile. She turned back with her eyebrows raised.

"Are you going to let me take care of you?" He asked. "Because I'd like to take care of you."

Click, clack. She walked back to where he was leaning in the doorway and slid her arms around his shoulders. She was taller with her heels on so she hadn't needed to go far to give him a gentle kiss.

"I appreciate your desire to take care of me," she said. "In fact, I love it, but you may need to forgive me if it takes a little bit to get used to."

"I forgive you," he said. "Now hurry up, you're going to make us late."

Playfully hitting his shoulder, she rolled her eyes. He followed after her up the stairs that took them from the store to the living area of the townhouse. He stopped when he reached the living room for several reasons. First, the dining table had two distinct scorch marks from where he must have burned it while under Katara's care as the Blue Spirit. Second, the majority of the furniture had been wrapped and the shelves emptied. Boxes had been stacked against the side wall prepared for storage. But the biggest reason for his sudden halt was the figure of Hakoda, Katara's father, standing in the kitchen.

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