Antonio's Ceremony☆

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"Who said I was going?" I asked him.

"I did." Mì papì said. I groaned after he said that at reluctantly went to get me and my siblings ready.

Y/n Pov

I was walking with Mìs Hermanos (My siblings) to The Madrigals house to watch the Ceremony. As we were coming closer to their Casita I noticed two people in front of the house greeting people or helping out. One of them was a female who picked up two burros (Donkeys)! Like they weighed nothing.

The other person was this cute looking male.

Wow he's really cu- No stop it Y/n, Get ahold of yourself! I thought before my siblings dragged me towards the house.

"Come on Hermana/Hermano/ sibling (Sister/Brother)! Stop staring at that boy!" Milagros Shouted at me.

I blushed so hard after he said that. We were about to walk into the entrance when we go stopped by the male.

"Hmmmmm" The male said as he seemed to study my features.

The next thing I know I see myself. I stare at myself until "I" change into the male who was staring at me early

"Woah!!" Adea said sounding really fascinated.
I just stood there very confused as to what happened.

"What's your name Mì amor~" He introduced. I blushed at the nickname.

"Y-Y/n!" I struggled to say.

"Lovely name Mì amor~" He Complimented and smiled.

Before I could say anything my siblings dragged me off inside. I looked back at The boy and saw him smiling and staring at me. I quickly looked away before I spotted Isabella and my siblings ran off to find their friends. I ran over to Isabella and gave her a hug.

"Hola Isabela (Hello Isabela)" I said. Isabela turned around and hugged me back.

"Hola Y/n! I missed you!" She said back with a smile on her face.

"I missed you to!" I replied

Before I saw Isabela's Abuela (Grandma) walking down the stairs with the candle, everyone went to either end and I ran over to my siblings who were in the front, but not before saying a quick 'see you later' to Isabela. Isabela's Abuela started to speak.


Mi Amor~  ♡Encanto x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now