The secret!

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I turn to Mirabel to see her angry face and she starts to growl and the thing she will have to do.

"Every time..." Bruno then throws the vision away.

Y/n Pov

I decided I wanted to go home after the whole fiasco and confront Papí after what Tía said to me about Mì Madre. I storm up to mi casa (my house), slamming the door open.

"Padre donde estas?!(Father Where are you?!)" I shout into the house.

"Estoy aquí girasol, ¿por qué? (I'm here Sunflower, Why?)" He says calmly walking down the stairs.

"¡¿La tía dijon que mamá no murió since que nos dejó?! (Aunt said that Mother didn't die but instead she left us?!)" I shout at him.

"¿Qué estás haciendo sobre el girasol?(What are you on about Sunflower?" He says back.

Sabes exactamente de lo que estoy hablando! (You know exactly what I'm talking about!)"

He looks around nervously. I see Milagros and Adea walking down the stairs staring at me and Papí with scared looks.

"Por favor padre dime la verdad... (Please Farther tell me the truth)" I plead him.

"Bien, pero creo que Lucia debería participar en esta conversación. (Fine but I think Lucia should be involved in the conversation.)"

"Bien... (Fine...)" I roll my eyes.

"Solo boy a llevar a Milagros y Adea a sus habitaciones. (I'm just going to take Milagros and Adea to their rooms.)" I say walking away.

"Y esperaré a tu tía... (And I will wait for your Aunt...) " He mumbles.

I walk over to Mis hermanos (my siblings) and usher them upstairs into their rooms. I walk into Adea's room first.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Mhm..." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry you had to hear all of that..." I hug her.

She hugs me back sniffing a little.

"Love you..." I kiss her a head with a little smile. I then leave her room to go to Milagros.

I walk in and sit on his bed.

"You alright bud?" I ask him.

He nods his head slowly.

"I'm sorry you had to hear all of that..." I say with a frown.

He lays there, staring at me, saying nothing.

"Love you..." I say quietly leaving his room making my way to my room.

I walk in closing my door, sitting against as I begin to silently cry. I start to think of what they might tell me, Why Mamá left us...

Time skip (the conversation)

I sit at the table staring Papí and Tía waiting for one of them to start talking. They kept looking back and forth from each other and back to me.

"Entonces..?¿Ustedes dos van a decir algo?(So..? You two gonna say anything?)" I ask beginning to become impatient.

Papí looked into my eyes with a look of guilt on him face.

"B-Bueno después de que nacieran sus hermanos, ella nos dejó porque s-no podía cuidar de todos ustedes y yo quería mudarme aquí para comenzar de nuevo. (W-Well after your siblings were born, she left us because s-she couldn't handle taking care of you all a-and I wanted to move here to get a fresh start)" He looked away.

"Eso es mentira, eso no es lo que pasó(That's a lie, that's not what happened)" Tía interrupted.

"Ok, ¿cuál es tu versión de la historia, Tía? (Ok, what's your side of the story Auntie?)" I ask looking directly into her eyes.

"Bueno, tu padre aquí, decidió que quería quedarse con ella para siempre, incluso si se divorciaban antes de que ella se fuera. Se habían divorciado después de que él supo que ella estaba embarazada y no quería tener más hijos. Pero tu madre todavía quería más, quería alejarte de él, pero él se había ganado la custodia de todos ustedes. Más tarde, ella te dio este collar, pero tu padre no te permitió usarlo, así que tuve que ocultártelo, pero ahora sabes que finalmente puedo dártelo." She smiled at me, glaring at my Padre , she reached into a draw and took out a dark blue heart necklace with had the words 'I love you Forever' on the silver rims.

(Well your father here, decided he wanted to stay with her forever even if they divorced before she left. They had divorced after he found out that she was pregnant he didn't want anymore children. But your mother still wanted more she wanted to take you away from him but he had gained custody of all of you. Later she then gave you this necklace but your father wouldn't allow you to wear it so I had to keep it hidden from you but now you know I can finally give this to you.)

I took it from her hands and examined it, it was gorgeous

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I took it from her hands and examined it, it was gorgeous. I can't believe My padre tried to take this away from me. And how did I never notice this.

"Lo guardaste! ¡Te dije que te deshicieras de él!(You kept it! I told you to get rid of it!)" Papí shouted.

"¿Por qué le dirías que se deshaga de lo único que tengo de mi madre? (Why would you tell her to get rid of the one hing I have of my mother?)" I said to him beginning to get angry.

I got up from the table having enough of my so called Padre, I then Place the necklace around my neck and walk away.

I get to my room and then decide to go and visit the Madrigals again to see if they can relieve my stress.


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