Another Arguement!

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I got up from the table having enough of my so called Padre, I then Place the necklace around my neck and walk away.

I get to my room and then decide to go and visit the Madrigals again to see if they can relieve my stress.

Y/n Pov

I'm slowly making my way to the Madrigals, lost in thought at the fact that mí Madre hadn't actually died but she had instead left us and that mí padre kept the necklace, that mí Madre gave me, a secret from me.

I was so lost in thought that I almost walked into a strange looking plant. I started looking around and realised that these strange plants were everyone.

But the only way they could've appeared out of no-where was if Isabela realised her true potential, which means... Mirabel must have repaired their relationship!

I quickly ran to the Madrigal's casita and saw Mirabel and Isabela laughing in a pile of flowers. I smiled at this interaction.

"What is going on?!" I heard a voice scream from behind me.

I turn around and see Isabela's Abuela.

"Abuela! It's okay! Everything's... We're gonna save the miracle... the magic...-" Mirabel began to say gesturing to me and her once she noticed me.

"What are you talking about? Look at our home! Look at your sister!" Alma interrupted.

"Please just... Isabela wasn't happy and...-" I began to speak.

"Of Course she isn't happy. You two ruined her proposal..." Alma said glaring at me.

But I didn't even do anything- I thought.

"...No,No. She needed us to ruin her proposal." Mirabel argued, I noticed Isabela looking up at us with a sad and guilty look.

"-And then we did all this" Mirabel continued gesturing to their casita, as Isabela walked of to stand further away.

"And the candel burned brighter and t-the cracks...-" Mirabel began Mumbling.

"Mirabel." Alma sternly said.

"That's why We're in the vision. We're saving the miracle. Although I know Y/n wasn't there but she/he/they helped a lot with trying to save the miracle." Mirabel continued gesturing to me.

"YOU HAVE TO STOP, MIRABEL!" Alma screamed.

"The cracks started with you. Bruno left because of you. Luisa's loosing her powers, Isabela's out of control, because of you!" Alma blamed Mirabel, then turned to me.

"Maybe if you never came to this place none of this would have happened, Mirabel has been obsessed with the miracle, because of YOU." She Emphasised you, then turned away from me.

Once she turned away I felt a lump in my throat but pushed away the tears just to make sure no-one saw me cry. Alma continued to shout at Mirabel but I didn't listen to her as the things she said continued to replay in my head... Was she right?  Maybe I shouldn't have come here... What if Madre had won custody over me and hermanos? Would things be different here?

"I will never be good enough for you. Will I? No matter how hard I try... No matter how hard any of us tries. Luisa will never be strong enough. Isabela will never be perfect enough. Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in him." Mirabel began as I zone back into the conversation. I could hear the cracks getting louder and louder with each word Mirabel said to her Abuela.

"Bruno didn't care about this family." Alma argued.

"He loves this family. I love this family! We all love this family! You're the one that doesn't care! You're the one breaking our home!"

"Don't you ever-"

"The miracle is dying, because of you!"

Their casita begins to crack with those final words, coming closer and closer to the candle.

"No,No,No!" I hear Pepa saying.

"The candle!" Fèlix exclaims.

I see Camilo running up the stairs to see if he can save the candle but stumbles a little when the cracks finally reach the candle. And makes the whole casita shake.

Me and Mirabel begin to run towards the candle.

"Casita! Get us up there!" I hear Mirabel order.

I then see the railing fall the floor I let Mirabel go up first then I make my way up. We climb it like it's a ladder. As we get halfway up I see Isabela try and use her gift to get up there but I see her fall. But then Casita catches her and places her on the ground. I sigh in relief

"Mirabel hurry! Their gifts are starting to disappear!"

She climbs faster. I then see Camilo try and get up there but his gift disappears too. He then falls but catches himself on a railing, falling to the ground.

Once we get to the top Mirabel stops peering behind her and sees the mountain cracking.

Just like the vision!  Oh no... I thought.

"Hurry up Mirabel! We need to go!" I say running Infront of her but as I take a step my foot goes through the ceiling.

"Mirabel?! Mirabel?!" I hear her Madre calling out to her

"Mirabel! You have to get out!" Her padre calls out.

She still has her whole family to love her... her Madre, Padre, tía, tío, Isabela, Luisa, Dolores, Camilo, Antonio... I think to myself.

Mirabel helps me up but I pull her back before she can continue running.

"Hey Casita... can you get Mirabel out to her family please..."

"What...?" She Whispers.

"I'm sorry but you still have your family to love you..." I say and she is pulled away from me outside to her family.

I continue to run up the roof towards the candle. Trying to grab it but slipping. Casita pushed me up to help me. I managed to grab the candle. But see Bruno's Tower begin to crumble and fall towards me.

Casita pushed me forward but my foot gets caught again but this time I fall through the roof. I can hear people screaming my name...


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