Bruno's room!

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'Family love' I thought.

"Mhm.." He replied whilst looking at the floor.

"I'll see you later" I said whilst hugging him but before I went to follow Mirabel I................ kissed him quickly on the cheek and ran off after Mirabel.

"So...?" I asked Mirabel


Mirabel explained to me that something was hurting the magic and her Tìo(Uncle) that ran away had some terrible vision about it and she needed to find the vision to help her find the problem with the magic. I just stood there trying to work out what she had just said.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, Let me get this straight somethings hurting the magic and you need to find a vision that your runaway Tìo created to figure out what's hurting the magic" I summarised what she had just explained to me.

"Yeah pretty much" She just stood there and smiled

"Dios mío(Oh my God)" I Whispered.

Then Mirabel dragged me away to su casa (her house) and brought me up to her Tìo's room and walked in making sure no-one else was around. We saw a sand kind of wall. I put my hand under it because why not.

"Casita. Can you turn off the sand?" She asked the house.

Then we heard the floor tiles from behind us and we both turned.

"You can't help in here?" She asked.

I just stood there confused as to how she understood what it said.

Well she is a Madrigal so maybe only Madrigals can understand what la casa says I thought.

The tiles then moved up and down I'm guessing it said yes. It then started making lots of sounds.

"We'll be fine. I- We need to do this. For you, For Abuela, maybe a little for me" She mumbled the last part but I still heard her

She started to make her way towards the sand

"Find the vision, save the.." She then screamed and fell.

I quickly closed the door, so hopefully no-one would know that we're in here. I ran over to the sand and hopped down. I landed next to Mirabel who had her head in the sand.

"Mirabel! Are you OK?" I asked a little hit worried.

She sat up, spitting some sand out and cleaning out her glasses.

"Yeah I'm OK." She stood up and dusted herself off.

I read a sign that said 'Your Future Awaits'. I then look up to see a lot of stairs. And I mean a lot of stairs.

How does he have so many stairs in his room?! I thought

A bird then flew to the side of Me and I petted it's head. Mirabel instantly relaxed once she saw the bird.

"Oh, Hello. Lot of stairs, but at least I have another friend." But the bird just flew away in response.

"Nope. One of them flew away immediately." It just squawked, it was laughing at us.

Mirabel then groaned like she knew it was laughing at her. I didn't want to be apart of this so I was about to walk away when Mirabel grabbed my arm before I could do so.

"Nope! Your coming you said you would do it with me" She said smugly.

Mirabel started jogging up the stairs as I just walked. She started to sing a song about something.

"I wouldn't jog if I were you." I Said being honest

"Well, I wanna get up here soon" She then started singing again.

After a few minutes I was beginning to get tired but Mirabel was just on the floor practically dying.

"Bruno, your room is the Worst!" She had a major voice crack in the middle of her sentence after that. I just giggled and she glared at me in response.

Time skip to Bruno's vision cave

The door had shut on us both and I was practically freaking out. I really do not like small spaces. We both turned around to see green glowing light beneath us so we looked. I picking up a piece and handed it to Mirabel. We both started to pick more and more pieces up and putting them together. We done this until we saw me and Mirabel in the vision.

"Me..?" She Whispered.

"What.." I Whispered.

Sand then started falling all around us filling up the room. Me and Mirabel started to collect all the glowing piece of the vision and we were about to try to force the open but That was before I noticed one of the glowing pieces being covered by sand. I rushed over to try and get it out but the sand was falling to quickly, I decided I was just going to shove my arm inside to grab it, so I did.

Me and Mirabel had gotten all the pieces and managed to get the door open because of the force of the sand me and Mirabel went flying and almost fell to our deaths. I sighed and looked to my side seeing how close me and Mirabel were to the side of the cliff. I pushed both of us far away from the edged finally relaxing.

"We should go.." I suddenly say, processing what had just happened.

"Yeah I agree" She replied back.

We had gotten down all the steps (somehow) and ran out of Bruno's room trying to get as far away as possible. But that was until We ran Into someone...


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