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"Nice name. I'm Camilo." I smiled at her.

Dolores walked over after a while and introduced herself. Me and Adea got up and looked for Y/n. Her legs got tired so I picked her up and went downstairs. Dolores went to tell Mamà about Adea.

"Y/n!!" Adea screamed in my ear.


ewind a little

I ran around still trying to find Adea, but no luck, so I started asking people if they've seen her but all I got were No's or just A-holes ignoring me. I continue to look around for her giving up on asking people because people just manly ignored me.

"Adea?! Where are you!" I started to shout.

I started to panic as I couldn't find her and she wasn't anywhere. I was about to give up until I heard someone scream my name. It also sounded a lot like Adea.. Wait Adea?! I quickly turn around to see Adea in the arms of... The Madrigal from early?!

"ADEA!" I shouted.

"Y/N!" She shouted back.

The Madrigal put her down and we ran towards each other. She jumped into my arms and we both started crying.

"Thank god your ok.." I Whispered to her.

"You should thank Camilo, he's the one that found me and help me find you" She smiled as I dried her tears.

"Hm? Who?" I asked.

"That would be me Mì amor~" The Madrigal said smiling.

"O-Oh, Thank you" I smiled and blushed.

"No problem Mì amor~" He said walking off after he smiled at me.

I stood up and picked up Adea, smiling at Camilo who had just walked off.

"You LOVE him don't you~~" Adea Emphasised the word love.

I blushed at this but started to walk back to the house with Adea's voice repeating the word love in my head.

"Your going straight to bed when we get home." I Whispered to a sleepy Adea.

I giggled at her carita cansada(Little Tired Face) and continued towards the house. By the time we got to the house Adea was asleep on my back.

I tucked her in bed and went to my own room to sleep but when I lied down on my bed I couldn't get to sleep. Was it because I was thinking of Camilo? Was it what Adea told me? Was it the fact that my mother didn't actually die she just left us? I just stared up at the ceiling and thought about everything that had happened today.

Time skip to around an hour

It's been like an hour and I still haven't fallen asleep so I grabbed my sketchbook and started to sketch something, I didn't intend to draw anything specific but when I finished I realised that I drew Camilo.

"Maybe I do like him.." I Whispered to myself.

I sighed and then fell asleep on the floor because I couldn't be bothered to get back up and walk over to my bed.


Mi Amor~  ♡Encanto x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now