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I got into her/his/their bed laying on my side facing her/him/them. She/he/they moved closer placing her/his/their head on my chest and I could feel her/him/them slowly drifting of to sleep.

I began playing with her/his/their hair and slowly began drifting of to sleep as well.

Y/n's Pov

I wake up to feel arms wrapped around my waist, I look up to see Camilo sleeping peacefully. I smile remembering how he helped me last night.

I began getting up trying not to wake Camilo up. I succeed in my mission. I make my way downstairs to make a sling to give my arm a bit more support as the medicine that Julieta gave me was starting to wear off.

I find some medicine that can help with the pain in my arm, I grab a glass and fill it with water, taking out a tablet in the meantime. I place the tablet in my mouth then swallow it with the help of the water. After I know the tablet has gone down I tidy everything back up and get some food out to make breakfast for everyone.

Lil' time skip =>

As I begin to plate up breakfast I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Something smells delicious!" I hear Isabela compliment.

"At least it smells good." I joke

"You didn't have to make us food you know" Dolores squeaks.

"You're our guests! Of course I'm going to make you breakfast!" I reply.

I grab a few plates, placing them on the table. Once all the plates were set on the table I looked at everyone as they still stood there.

"You are aloud to sit down" I laugh.

Eventually everyone in the room sits at the table and begins to eat the food I made for them.

"I'm just going to wake everyone else up! I'll be back down in a minute"

I walk upstairs up to tía's room. I knock on the door a few times waiting for any sign that she's awake but I hear nothing. I quietly make my way into her room to see her sleeping still.

"Tía... Time to wake up, breakfast is ready when you go downstairs" I Whispered.

"Mhm..." I hear her mumble still half-asleep.

I giggle and walk out of the room heading to padre's room. Once again knocking on the door waiting for any sign that he's awake.

"Papí. It's time to get up. Breakfast is ready downstairs when you would like it." I tell him, only to hear snoring in response.

Sighing, I walk to Adea and Milagros' room. For the final time knocking on the door and waiting for a response.

"Yeah...?" I hear Adea say tiredly.

"Breakfast is ready downstairs when you want it" I say.

"Ok! Thanks!" Milagros says sounding more awake than Adea.

Mi Amor~  ♡Encanto x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now