We don't talk about Bruno!

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"We should go.." I suddenly say, processing what had just happened.

"Yeah I agree" She replied back.

We had gotten down all the steps (somehow) and ran out of Bruno's room trying to get as far away as possible. But that was until We ran Into someone...


I look up at who we had just run into and I saw Isabela's Abuela. I think her name is Alma. Tía(Auntie) mentioned her name but I can't remember. I'll just stick with Alma instead of Isabela's Abuela or something.

"Where are you two coming from in such a hurry?" She dusted off some sand that must have fallen on her from the impact.

"We're sorry, We were..uh" I look at Mirabel for help until Alma spoke up.

"What is in your hair?" She asked Mirabel.

"U-Uhh..." Mirabel Brushed the sand out of her hair, so did I.

"My gift!" I heard Someone shout.

"I'm loosing my Gift!" Luisa appeared at the top of the stairs we were closes to, sobbing about her gifts dying down.

"What.." Alma Whispered to herself but it could be heard very easily

"Mirabel and I were having this little talk about me carrying to much. So, I tried not to carry so much, but I realised it was putting me behind. And I knew I was going to let everyone down. And I felt really bad, so I was grabbing all the Donkeys, but when I went to through the Donkeys in the barn, they were... Heavy!" Luisa was rambling on and then stormed off crying.

I looked at Mirabel for an explanation but she just looked down at the ground like it was her fault.

"What did you do? What did you say to her?" Alma asked

"N-Nothing. I... I don't..." She struggled to answer.

"Mirabel.." Alma sound sooo Feliz (happy) with Mirabel.

I could hear church bells. It must have reminded Alma that she had to do something because she suddenly said.

"I have to go get the Guzmàns for Isabela's engagement. Stay away from Luisa until I can talk to her. Tonight we can't have any more problems." She said before walking towards the stairs and stopping.

"And whatever your doing, stop doing it." She then walked off.

You could hear Luisa crying from her room. Wow. I felt really bad. This family relys on their gifts. Me and Mirabel walk into her room and lay out the pieces that nos mostró espalda con espalda(displayed us back to back).

"Why are we in your vision Bruno..?" Mirabel mumbled but someone heard it because Thunder went of behind us. We turned around to see Pepa. Mirabel had the vision in her hands behind her back.

"Pepa! Jeez." I Said with a sigh

"Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean to.." She got distracted by her cloud and tried to get rid of it.

"Shoo, Shoo, Shoo!" She closed the door after throwing it out the door.

"I just wanted to get the last of Toñito's things and then I heard the name we do not speak" Pepa Whispered the last part and looked up. When Pepa had her back turned Mirabel quickly put the pieces back into her bag.

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