The dinner disaster!

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"Time to eat!" Alma shouted from downstairs.

"Miercoles.." Agustìn Whispered dreading the dinner and engagement of his eldest daughter.


I was forced to be at the dinner by Mirabel since her and Agustìn wanted to talk after about the vision. I was sat between Isabela and Mirabel so they didn't end up killing eachother. Also, I got on with Isabela better. Mirabel and Dolores were having a staring contest making sure Dolores would tell Everyone around the table about the vision.

"The Guzmàns and the Madrigals together will be so good for the Encanto." Alma was speaking to Mariano's mamà(mother) about the dinner tonight.

"Yes. Then, let's hope tonight is not a horrible disaster." Mariano's mamà replied whilst Alma laughed.

"To a Perfect night! Salud(Health)!" Alma called as the table repeated Salud back.

Everyone was having their own conversations while Mirabel and Dolores were still having staring contest, Mirabel not looking away for a moment. I couldn't get the vision out of my head and my hands started to shake.

Why was I in the vision? What did Casita breaking have to do with me? I thought as more and more questions raced around my head.

I felt someone kick my foot, I look up to see Camilo.

"You ok?" He mouthed to me.

I just simply nodded my head even if I was lying but he was going to find out any minutes when Mirabel or when something gets in Mirabel's wa- and there it is.

"Avacado?" Mariano asked Mirabel.

Me and Mirabel look over at Dolores and she was whispering to Camilo about the Vision

Ah shit! Crap! I thought to myself.

Once Camilo had processed the news that Dolores had told him he started chocking and shape-shifting. He changed into Mirabel first, then Bruno, then me and back to himself..? He looked like a Chameleon. I giggled to myself a little. Alma trued distracting Mariano's mamà by pouring more wine into he glass.

"Camilo. Fix your face." Fèlix Whispered to him.

Camilo Fixed his face and looked at me and Mirabel but principalmente yo (mainly me). I looked away because I heard something but it was nothing so I turned back around. But Then I Saw Camilo telling Fèlix.

Oh we are so fucking screwed! I thought panicking a little.

Fèlix spat out the water he had in his mouth at Mariano after listening to what Su hijo (His son) had just told him.

Haha! Screw you Mariano! You Bastard. Never liked you anyways. I thought as I watched Mariano's face go from happy to shocked and disgusted.

"Mirabel. The cream please?" Alma asked being polite as she possibly could infront of guests.

Mirabel turned to Alma and nodded. She then turned to Agustìn.

"Pà, the cream?" She asked trying not to be as nervous as she was.

Agustìn carefully picked it up passing It to Mirabel, Mirabel to me, me to Isabela who smiled at me but glared at Mirabel. We both look over to see Fèlix telling Pepa who had a cloud over her head.

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