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It's been like an hour and I still haven't fallen asleep so I grabbed my sketchbook and started to sketch something, I didn't intend to draw anything specific but when I finished I realised that I drew Camilo.

"Maybe I do like him.." I Whispered to myself.

I sighed and then fell asleep on the floor because I couldn't be bothered to get back up and walk over to my bed.


n the morning

I got up really early in the morning to make breakfast for my siblings, Padre (Dad) and Tìa (Auntie). I walked downstairs with a minor pain in my back I mean Duh, of course I was going to have a bit of pain back, I was sleeping on the piso (floor). I got everything out to make panqueques (pancakes) for mì familìa (my family).

I started baking and Adea came down first, almost falling flat on her face because she ran down the stairs.

"Buenos Dìas(Good Morning), Adea" I called to her giggling before continuing the pancakes.

"Buenos dìas Y/n!" She called back.

Then Padre walked downstairs, then Tía and she looked really angry at me for some reason, probably because of last night. It was almost around an hour and Milagros still hadn't come down for breakfast.

"I'm gonna go check on Milagros a minute, just to make sure he's alright.. " I Whispered the last part, worried about my little brother.

I walk up to Milagros's room and gently knocked on the door hoping he's awake already. I opened the door and saw him sleeping still. I walked up to him and gently nudged him to see if he would wake up. But he still didn't wake up.

Hmmm.. Normally he's up just after me but why is he not waking up.. I thought for a minute.

Then after a few more tries of waking him up he finally stirred away. I sighed of relief as all the horrible thoughts washed away from my head. (HAHA You thought I was gonna kill off Milagros Nahhhh)

"Finally sleepy head, you missed breakfast. I was making panqueques." I told him as he sat up.

"Oh.." Was all he replied with.

He got his clothes out for the day and got dressed as I went downstairs. I looked on the fridge door to see the chores we had to do today.

Adea: Wash up the plates, glasses, bowls and sweep the floor.
Milagros: Put clean plates, glasses and bowls away.
Padre: Take Rubbish out
Tía: Fold the dry clothes
And finally
Me: Everything else For example: Clean rooms, Get the shopping, buy new food, make lunch, you get the idea.

I huffed as I looked at the chores I had to do. The same every day.. Padre and Tía get the least things to do because they're "AdUlTs" They say. I have to do the most because I'm the eldest child and I have to be responsible. Ugh As if.

I cleaned all the dirty clothes from everyone, hung up the wet clothes, got all the shopping, got new food all before Lunch. So I made lunch for everyone not enough for me though so I continued with my chores whilst everyone else ate. What a nice little life I have.

Mi Amor~  ♡Encanto x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now