The second Vision!

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"You guys might wanna hang on."
He says to both of us.

I hold onto one of his hands and Mirabel holds the other, then we hold each others spare hand.

Bruno closes his eyes and the sand circle starts rising up around us. I begin to become more panicked.

Y/n pov

I sat there wide-eyed engrossed in the things happening around me right now. The sand has now made a dome around us and Bruno finally opens his eyes.

I look at Mirabel anxiously, only to see her doing the same to me. We see the vision begin to form its the candle falling off the window sill!

We then see the mountain being cracked in half, it then forms Antonio and Félix but Antonio was about to be hit with a falling object. I watch in fear as I watch my second family getting hurt in this vision.

And finally it's Me and Mirabel infront of casita with it changing from being fine to cracked. Me and Mirabel watch in horror.

"It's just... It's just the same thing. I gotta stop!" Bruno exclaims taking his hands away and placing them on his head in a panic.

"No. I need to know which way it goes. There's gotta be an answer..." Mirabel begs.

"Mirabel..." I quietly plead.

"...S-Something we're not seeing!" She looks around Frantic to find a clue of some sort.

"You're looking at the same thing I am! If there was something else-" Bruno begins.

"There! Over there!" I say pointing to a yellow light, they both look to where I'm pointing.

The bright light begins to form a butterfly, a bright yellow butterfly?

"Butterfly! Follow the Butterfly!"

We all stand up and begin to follow the butterfly as it lands on a leaf.

"Where is that...?"

"I-It's all outta order..." Bruno points out.

We see the candle taking shape, it looks like it's getting brighter, I think it's growing brighter!

"I-It's the candle! The candles getting brighter! I think you're gonna help the candle!" Bruno stutters trying to get a grip on what's going on.


"Uh, there's someone with you! And you... you fight her!"

"What?!" Me and Mirabel both say.

"Wait, no, no, no, no... Is that a hug?!"

"Yes I'm pretty sure that's a hug!" I try and help.

"Am I fighting or hugging?"

"An embrace. An embrace! To make the candle burn bright, you have to embrace her!"

"Embrace who?!"

"Oh... Almost there..."

"Who is it?!" We are all starting to get impatient.

"Almost there. Oh, oh. I got it."

It was Isabela.

"Isabela?!" Mirabel shouted Incredulously. I giggled a bit but managed to hide it.

The sand dome had fallen and we were all covered in sand, I think some went into my mouth...

"Oh, your sister? That's great!" Bruno says happily.

This is not gonna end well

I turn to Mirabel to see her angry face and she starts to growl and the thing she will have to do.

"Every time..." Bruno then throws the vision away.


Mi Amor~  ♡Encanto x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now