The Chameleons room !

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"So what did you want to talk about Chameleon?" I asked
"Can we go to my room to talk about it?" He asked me
"Yeah sure, I don't mind" I say following him to his room.

I have gone of my own idea of his room btw


Me and Camilo walk into his room and it consisted of Red, yellow and white. I looked around fascinated by his room. He has paintings of his Familìa(family) and mirrors but they were all shattered, he also has furniture such as chairs, a desk, drawers He walked past me smiling and sat on the side of his bed ,which was in the middle of his room, patting the spot next to him. So I sat next to him.

"So why did you bring me in here?" I asked

"Well there's two things I wanna talk about.." He mumbled

"Lemme guess one of the topics is about la visión(the vision)" He nodded and I sighed.

"Ok, what's t-" I Got cut off by him hugging me.

"Don't do that again... You could've gotten hurt..." He mumbled into my neck sounding worried.

I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry Chameleon..." I Whispered.

We stayed in the hug for a while. Then we broke apart but he still held my hand.

"So what was the other thing you wanted to talk about?" I asked not acknowledging the fact that his hand was still on mine.

"U-Uhh.." He said hesitating whether he should just say it.

"It's okay, take your time" I say smiling.

He smiles back and takes a deep breath.

"Okay... so when we first met I umm... thought... that... y-" He was interupted by someone knocking on the door rapidly.

We both turn to look at the door.

"Cami!!! I need Y/N!! Dolores told me she's/ He's/ their in there!!" The person knocking on the door said and It sound like someone very familiar.

I realised who it was and Looked at Camilo. He looked back at me knowing who it was.

"Mirabel..." We said simultaneously.

I got up and walked over to the door with Camilo following me. I opened the door and Mirabel grabbed my arm and ran off out of nowhere.

"She'll/he'll/they'll see you later Cami!" Mirabel shouted as we turned into Antonio's room.

"Hey! What was that for?" I asked quite annoyed actually

"Well, it's about la visión" She explained

"Ok? Then you could have at least asked if I could have come with you instead of dragging me!!" I say To Mirabel.

"Sorry." She says with a small smile

"It's fine, I guess," I mumbled "but don't do it again"

"Ok won't do it again!" She says smiling.

She tells me to follow her to Antonio's tree house, so I obviously follow. We walk to a big-ish area it the tree and I see something moving in the bushes but I don't think anything of it because Antonio could speak to Animals. I didn't think much of it until I saw something underneath the Bush. It was... clothing? I went closer and saw that there was someone in the Bush. He stared at me and I stared back.

"Mirabel!!" I called

"Yeah? What's wrong?" She asked.

I looked towards her and pointed to the guy in the Bush.

"There's a guy in your primos(cousins) room" I said quietly.

"Hmm..?" She looked over into the Bush and said "Tìo Bruno! What are you doing?"

"I-I was u-ummm... hiding? Incase someone walked in and it wasn't you?" Bruno said nervously.

"T-Thats your Tìo Bruno!" I said shocked and then everything went dark...


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