Sandwiches and Sweatpants

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"Liv, go home, get some rest."

"Cap, I-"

"That's an order. Now."

Olivia huffed, snagging her coat and sending her desk chair spinning away. Nick caught the chair as she stormed out, and he exchanged a look with Amanda that had Fin bristling.

"Don't say nothing," he huffed, snagging his own coat as he hurried to follow Olivia out to the elevator.

He knew it'd been a difficult day, but after having spent over ten years in SVU, most days struck some nerve. It had been only a few weeks since the news about Stabler's retirement, though. He had no idea if Olivia had stopped calling or not.

Nick and Amanda exchanged another look after Fin fled the squadroom. His previous actions and protectiveness toward Olivia had already raised questions about the nature of the older two detectives' relationship.

Fin caught up to Olivia just as the door was closing, stopping it with his hand.

"Fin-" she protested.

He shook his head, silently joining her in the elevator. The ride to the first floor was quiet, the faint sound of breathing occupying the space between them as he waited for her to cool down.

As they made their way out of the precinct, Olivia sighed. "I shouldn't be so hard on them."

"It's alright, Liv."

"It really isn't. I've been a bitch from the moment they got here."

"You're not a bitch."

"Really? A uni earlier said it loud enough for me to hear after I ripped into Amanda about something at a scene, and she was only trying to help..."

"I don't care what no effing uni said, and neither should you. You're angry right now. With good reason, too. Maybe you're being a little tough on Rollins and Amaro, but they'll get over it. A little guidance won't kill'em."

"I don't wanna be angry anymore, Fin. I wanna get over it." Get over him. The words lingered in the air though she hadn't said them at all.

He nodded. "I know you do, but until then, I've got your back. Be angry all you'd like."

Olivia raised an eyebrow. "I don't think you're supposed to encourage my bad attitude."

"I don't tend to do what I'm supposed to."

She chuckled, shaking her head. "Are you sure this friendship is good for either of us?"

"You kidding? It's perfectly good for us," Fin countered, holding open the door for her.

Olivia stepped out into the cool night air, Fin following close behind.

"Well, thanks anyway," she said, giving him a forced smile, hoping she could shake him to go home to wallow in her feelings.

"Hey, why don't we go get a drink? Rough day, we deserve it."

Olivia sighed. "I don't know."

"Then, we'll grab something to-go and crash in front of the t.v. at my place. If you don't mind the company?"

"Fine, but we're going to my place. I wanna put on ratty sweatpants, so I hope you're not offended."

Fin shook his head. "I don't mind. You look great in everything." Her wide eyes met his, and he realized in an instant that he hadn't meant to say that, at least not aloud. "I mean, you look great in everything, so it's fine if you want to be comfortable."

"Uh, alright." Olivia led the way down the street, stopping at the first bodega.

When Fin put money onto the counter before Olivia could even reach into her pocket, she rolled her eyes while he gave her a grin. "You can buy next time," he told her, picking up the bag of sandwiches and chips.

Olivia led the way to her building, and as they climbed into the elevator, it occurred to Fin that he'd never been to her apartment before. She opened the door, telling him to make himself comfortable before heading to what he assumed was her bedroom.

Fin took the time to look around, noticing that the place was tidy but lived in, well, as much living as she did in her apartment. Most days it felt like they lived at the precinct. The kitchen was mostly bare, save for the coffee machine tucked into the corner. The living room had a couch, endtable, and t.v. Having explored what he could see of her apartment, he did as she'd said, grabbing two beers from her fridge (noticing in the process that she kept almost absolutely nothing in there) and taking their sandwiches to the living room. He left it on the channel playing an old hockey game, not sure what Olivia liked to watch in her free time.

Olivia emerged from her room in an old sweatshirt and sweatpants, just as she'd told him she planned. Still, she managed to be the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. She dropped next to him on the couch, tucking her legs underneath her and reaching for her beer, taking a long drink. Silently, she sat back against the couch cushion, watching the game play out in front of her.

"You gonna eat something?" Fin asked after a few minutes.

She sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm not feeling very hungry anymore."

"You sure? It's pretty good. For bodega food anyways."

Olivia chuckled as he held out half of a sandwich, waving it around her face.

"I better try it, then," she relented, taking the sandwich from his hand.

She took a few tentative bites and Fin relaxed, more than relieved that he'd gotten her to eat at least a little something.

"You wanna talk?" Fin asked when he noticed that she'd sat down the sandwich with only a few bites missing.

Olivia shook her head. "Not much to say."

"Was a tough case."

"Yeah, it was."

"I know you miss him."

"I wish I didn't."

"It's understandable, though. You guys were partners a lot of years. You were close, important to each other."

"Maybe I just wasn't as important to him as he was to me."

"That's not true."

"He didn't say goodbye, Fin. He's not coming back and he didn't say goodbye. He was my best friend and he didn't even bother to tell me he was leaving."

"Bastard anyway."

Olivia chuckled, wiping at her eyes as tears fell."You always know just what to say."

"I try my best."

She turned to look at him, smiling softly. "Thank you, Fin."

"For calling Stabler names?" he joked.

"That, and for being here for me. It means more than you know."

"Of course. Now, why don't you take another bite of that sandwich?"

She rolled her eyes. "Only because you asked nicely."

"I always ask nicely."

"Of course you do."

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