Would You Look at That, We're Happy

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Olivia stared aimlessly across the squad room, deep in thought about their current case, her stomach churning as she considered their lack of progress. With no new leads to follow, having hit a wall with no DNA and no witnesses, the squad was taking a paperwork day, and Olivia was finding it hard to focus. 

She had been accused too many times over the years of becoming overly invested in a case, obsessed even, but she never saw her passion for the job as a bad thing. Granted, though, it made it hurt a whole lot worse when things did not go their way, which happened more than she liked to think about. It looked as if that might happen with their current case, and she wished there was something she could do. 

She thought then of Fin, spending the day with his son, and she realized that for the first time in a long time, a day off didn't sound like a prison sentence; it sounded like a deserved break, a chance to refresh, to work on the most important relationship of her life. God, she wished it was her day off, too. 

"Hey, Liv, you feel okay?" John asked, putting a hand against her desk chair and disrupting her musings. 

Olivia nodded, dismissing the melancholy. "Yeah, I'm just a little tired."

He held out a granola bar, and she took it, smiling at him.

"Gotta take care of you when Fin's not here," the older man said by way of explanation, voice sheepish.

She rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "I've taken care of myself for over forty years."

"Yeah, but you don't have to anymore. Besides, he's been blowing up my phone."

"What, he is? He's supposed to be with Ken, relaxing on his day off."

"Well, evidently you didn't eat breakfast when you left this morning. He's probably been sitting there thinking about it this entire time."

Olivia chuckled. "You know, he acts like he's super cool and laid back, but he's a worrywart."

John nodded. "Imagine how he felt before you two were together."

"You know, he did try, though. He was a lot more subtle back then about reminding me to take care of myself, especially with Elliot running interference."

The sergeant froze at the mention of her old partner.

"It's okay," Olivia said with a shrug.

"I thought we weren't talking about him."

"I'm working past it. He was important to me, but being with Fin has made me realize that Elliot's place in my life wasn't always healthy. I idolized him and put our relationship on a pedestal. I think he meant well, but our partnership made me hesitant to go after what I wanted. We were a good team, but that part of my life is over, and I love where I'm at now."

"It really is good to see you happy, Liv."

"Thanks, John."


"Hey, I'm home," Olivia called out, walking into their apartment to music playing.

"Hi, babygirl. How was your day?"

Fin moved away from the stove to kiss her on the cheek.

"Okay, I worked on that stack of paperwork. We're still stumped on leads."

"We'll find something."

"I hope so. How was your day with Ken?" she asked, dropping her bag on the counter before making her way to the safe to put away her gun.

"Good. The new place is bigger. Uh, Ken and Alejandro are actually looking into adoption."

She kicked her heeled boots off by the door, knowing how Fin felt about her leaving them haphazardly around the house. "Oh, that's great. I'm happy for them."

He was quiet, and she walked over to the opposite side of the counter, slinging her jacket off before studying his expression. 

"Fin, please tell me you didn't say something insensitive."

He shot her a glare. "C'mon. I wouldn't do that."

"I'm sorry. That was low."

"No, I'm sorry." He sighed, taking a moment. "You know I was a little uncomfortable at first with Ken and Alejandro, not gonna even try to lie considering you were there the whole time. Ken's over the moon about this so I'm...happy for them. We had a good day, and talked about you a bit."

She pulled her knees up to her chest when she sat on the oversized stool at the counter. "Yeah, what about me?"

He grinned. "Nothing."

"Fin," she protested. "Hey, what about me?"

"Nothing bad, okay? He likes you. He's glad we're together, and he said I look happy."

"Hmm. John said the same thing about me today, and I am."

"Me, too."

They smiled at each other for a moment.

Fin held up a plate, breaking the staring match. "Hungry?"

"Is that spaghetti?" Olivia said, a tender look taking over her face. "I thought you didn't like it."

He shrugged. "Well, you like it, and it's growing on me."

"Thanks, baby. It looks great."

"Now hurry up and eat. I picked a movie, and I know you'll want a shower and comfy clothes first."

"It's only five," she said with a laugh, pulling her plate and fork across the counter. "We do have all evening, you know."

"Don't jinx us, babygirl."

"Right, sorry."

"Movie then?"

He couldn't seem to stand still, and she laughed. "Okay, okay. You're excited. I'll hurry."


Olivia settled on the couch, hair still a little damp. She tossed her legs over his lap, and he grabbed a fluffy throw blanket from the top of the back cushions, knowing with her skimpy pajama shorts that she would be cold in a minute. Her skin was overheated now from the fires of hell temperature she liked her showers to be, but it wouldn't stay that way with the cooler weather they were having. 

She finally looked at the TV and gave a little groan. "Fin, this is a superhero movie."

"You know it."

She dropped her head back against the cushions, twisting and shifting a bit to get comfortable. "Well, I hope it's good."

She was asleep within minutes, despite it only being seven o'clock.

He just chuckled when he heard her start snoring softly before turning his attention back to the movie.

When it was over, he woke her, knowing she'd kick his ass if he tried to just carry her to bed.

"Sorry," Olivia said as she stretched her arms above her head. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"'S fine," Fin said, more occupied with the sight of her shirt riding up at this point. "I wanted you to have a relaxing evening. I mean, you were the one stuck at work all day."

"Paperwork does feel more exhausting than running all over the city some days, but I am relaxed now. So, thank you."

"Don't need to thank me for dinner and a movie you didn't want to watch."

"Well, I'm going to."

He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Have I told you I loved you today?"

She pretended to think hard, counting it off on her fingers. "In the shower this morning, when I left for work, that text over lunch-"

"Well, I'm going to say it again."

"I won't stop you."

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