Settling In

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A/N: Here are a few moments of domestic fluff as their relationship gets going before the story moves along.


Olivia cocked an eyebrow as she took the offered paper bag from Fin's hand and stepped aside so he could walk into her apartment.

"I thought you left," she said.

"I wanted to get you breakfast." He grabbed her hand, giving it a quick squeeze. "I'm not ditching you on day one, babygirl."

She dropped the bag on the counter and peeked inside. "The breakfast sandwiches I like?"

"One for you and one for me. Unless you're extra hungry this morning," Fin said. He put a drink carrier with two coffees on the counter, too.

Olivia pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you. Let me go get changed, and we can eat."

Fin wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her to him. "What's wrong with this?"

She chuckled. "I need to get ready for work, or I won't have time. I definitely can't go in a worn-out t-shirt and shorts."

"I wouldn't complain."

"I don't think Cragen would appreciate it."


Olivia emerged a short while later, fully dressed with makeup and hair done.

She joined Fin at the counter where they sat on barstools and enjoyed their breakfast together.

"This gonna be a regular thing?" Olivia asked him as she tossed the sandwich wrappers.

"When we have time, yeah. I can cook, too, but I didn't want to make a grocery run this morning. I like taking care of you. That okay?"

"I...I think I could get used to that. Thank you."

"I prefer my thanks in kisses."

"Don't go getting cheesy on me, Detective Tutuola."

She kissed him anyway.


If any of the skilled detectives of the special victims unit noticed that Fin and Olivia were acting differently with each other, they pretended not to.

Over the next few weeks, there were shared lunch breaks, unprompted gifts of snacks or coffee, soft conversations across the pairs of desks, touching of shoulders to suggest taking a break or cooling a temper, walking in together, and leaving together.

Yes, either the detectives and their captain were oblivious or intentionally ignorant.

Munch, of course, was secretly incredibly pleased.


"Here, got you that sugary frozen crap you like," Fin said, still eyeing the drink a little warily as he put a tall plastic cup of frozen coffee on Olivia's desk.

"Thanks, baby," she said absentmindedly, typing away at her computer.

Nick's desk phone left his hand and hit the floor, the person on the other end of the line still talking. Amanda looked over to her in surprise. John, of course, just grinned.

Olivia's eyes had gone to Nick's phone on the floor. "Are you all right?" She looked up. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"The hell did you call him?" Nick asked, nodding toward Fin who was unmoving beside her.

She looked genuinely confused. "What do you mean? I didn't call him anything."

Nick glanced between the two before reaching for the dropped phone and going back to the conversation, the person having not hung up. Fin wandered to his desk, a smile on his face.

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