Can't Play it Cool

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Olivia spent the weekend cleaning every inch of her apartment and going to the gym for more of a workout than she'd attempted in years. She did anything and everything to keep her mind off of Fin. She liked to think she succeeded.

She woke up the following Monday morning strictly determined to avoid any and all feelings that she now begrudgingly knew were bubbling in her chest. Fin was her friend, he had always been her friend, and he would remain just her friend. She would be fine. Her feelings would go away. Everything would be fine. That mindset lasted about five minutes.


"Morning," Nick said cautiously when Olivia got to her desk.

She gave him a small smile as she went about dropping off her things and rearranging some files. "Good morning."

The younger detective exhaled in relief. Things with his new partner had been rocky at first, and he hadn't completely understood her anger and resentment toward the new additions to the unit. It had gotten better over time, though, partially because he heard things about her and her previous partner that made him sympathetic and partially because Fin threatened to cut him if he didn't give her some slack.

"You, uh, seem happy today."

"Oh," Olivia shrugged. "I guess so."

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry-" he stammered.

She chuckled, cutting him off. "Nick, it's fine. I am happy. It was nice to actually have a weekend not interrupted by a case."

He exhaled in relief. "Okay, good. That's good."

Olivia chuckled again, shaking her head as Nick hurried away to the coffee pot. He didn't even like coffee that much.

"What's so funny?"

Olivia jumped at Fin's voice, spinning around to face him. "Sheesh, I didn't know you were there."

Fin nodded in Nick's direction. "You scare the hell outta him. You know that, don't you?"

She swatted at his chest, wondering too late if the gesture seemed flirtatious and rolling with it. "Fin, don't be ridiculous. "

He caught her hand, almost releasing it when he thought about what he'd done. What the hell are you doing, Fin? He held tight. "He's terrified of you. Rollins, too. You, Olivia Benson, are terrifying."

Olivia glanced down at their joined hands ignoring her racing heart and glared at him. "Now you're just being mean."

Fin chuckled. Damn, even angry she's gorgeous. "Don't shoot the messenger. I just know things." You officially have all the swagger of a dorky teenager.

"Well, would the 'messenger' care to release my hand?" She caught the flirty tone too late. Oh my- Olivia. For the love of God, you sound like an idiot.

He grinned. Is she flirting with me? Definitely not. She'd never. "Maybe."

Across the squad room, Amanda leaned closer to Munch, gesturing to Olivia and Fin. "What are those two doing?"

Munch eyed them suspiciously, then smiled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Didn't think they had it in them."

She gave the cynical old man the side eye. "What're you talking about?"

"Aren't you supposed to be a detective?" Munch asked her before turning back to watch just as Fin walked away from Olivia. He always thought it'd be her and Stabler. You knew the truth. Munch tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Fin's gonna owe me fifty bucks."

Amanda raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me, what exactly is going on here?"

He waved her off. "Be patient. All in good time, all in good time."

"Ya'll are strange."

"To put it mildly, Rollins, to put it mildly."


"You and Nick find anything new at the scene?" Fin asked.

Olivia shook her head, dropping down into her desk chair with a tired sigh.

"That's alright. You'll get it."

"We don't have any evidence," she snapped.

Fin nodded, taking the snark in stride. "You'll find some. Give it time. Don't let it get to you."

Olivia glanced over at him, expression softening. "I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you. I know it's not your fault."

He waved her off. "It's okay. Take more than a bad mood to run me off."

Olivia's eyebrows jumped up in question, but before she could ask Fin what he meant, Nick was jogging into the squadroom with his phone in hand.

"We've got evidence," he said. "Lab found a trace on the clothes from a unsolved case that matched the MO. Guy was recently picked up for a traffic violation. Unfortunately for him but not for us."

Olivia nodded, getting up from her chair. "How's he line up with Sarah's description?"

"Picture fits her description."

"Shall we go pay him a visit then?"

Nick nodded. "Let's go."

"I'll go update the captain and meet you outside."

Nick left then, and when Olivia came back through the squadroom, Fin called out, "There you go: evidence."

Olivia stopped, turning to smile at him. "It's like you knew."

"Can't share my secrets with you, Benson. Sorry."

"Not even one of them?" she asked, grinning.

Fin shook his head. "Not yet."

Munch walked into the squadroom right before the conversation began and stood in the doorway until Olivia left. He tapped his chin thoughtfully, waiting while Fin watched Olivia walk out. They aren't ready yet. They're almost there. When they are, I'll give them a little push. Just not yet.

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