It's Christmas

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"Wow, Olivia, my dear, you are stunning."

"Oh, this old thing," she joked, an extra sway to her hips as she walked over to give John a quick hug. She was wearing a deep red dress with a square neckline. The dress was partially concealed by her long black coat.

"What's the occasion?"

"Ken and Alejandro are having a Christmas party. Any idea what the captain wants?"

"Well, unfortunately, Fin didn't turn in some paperwork this past week, but I think Cragen has some good news, too."

"Fin," Olivia admonished, smacking him in the chest with her clutch.

"Easy. I try my best." He nodded toward the office, where Cragen was walking out. "What's the good news, Captain?"

"John, I told you in confidence," the man complained.

The sergeant just raised his hands. "I didn't tell them yet."

Cragen smiled. "Well, assuming Fin keeps up with paperwork, you're officially cleared to continue working in the same unit."

"Really?" Olivia said with a smile.

"There aren't many volunteers for SVU, and you two are good detectives. You've also proven your ability to keep things professional on the job, well, aside from that storage closet incident, which I didn't share."

Olivia flushed bright red, but Fin just shook his head. "You're all crazy. Liv and I didn't do anything that day."

"Yeah, right," Amanda chimed in.

"I'm more worried about what you mean by that day?" John asked.

Fin grabbed the thin man by the collar of his shirt, and Olivia dragged him back. "Fin, we have a party to get to."

"Fine, but one of these days, John Munch..." he started.

"You know you love me. Be careful kiddos. No glove, no love," John said cheekily.

Fin spun back around. "Why you-"

"Fin!" Olivia said one more time, exasperated.


"Hi, Olivia. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Ken. This place looks beautiful."

"Yeah? Alex wanted to go all out for our first year in the new apartment."

"Where's the beer?" Fin asked.

"I can't take you anywhere," Olivia grumbled.

"Hey, Dad. What do you think?"

"Nice view. Best enjoyed with a beer in one hand."

"On the kitchen island," he told his father, shaking his head in amusement.

"Perfect. Thank you."

Olivia stayed behind. "So, Fin said you and Alejandro are looking into adoption."

"We are. I wasn't sure about fatherhood at first, but with him, I feel like we can do anything."

"I know that feeling."

"You and Dad still thinking about kids?"

She sighed. "Maybe. It's kind of gone to the back burner. It's fine. We're happy with where we're at."

The smile didn't reach her eyes, and Ken shrugged. "Anyway, you'd make a great mom, Liv."

"Thanks, Ken."


He wrapped his arms around her, pressing a wet kiss to her neck.

"Fin, not tonight."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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