A Cold

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Olivia had been going through a bit of a rough patch. She had lost one of her best friends, and she'd been struggling to find her footing at work, but the man she'd been secretly pining after for over a decade had finally, finally looked her way.

Naturally, just when she was settling into her new normal, including not-so-secretly dating Fin and trying to get along with her new coworkers, she wound up with an ass-kicking cold that had her napping on a bunk at the precinct so she wouldn't pass out in the squad room.

Cragen had taken one look at her after a trip to interview witnesses and told her to go home. Of course, she didn't listen, went to the cribs, and curled up on one of the thin mattresses just as the chills set in. She yanked the thin sheet up to her chin and squeezed her eyes shut, telling herself she would feel better after a decent thirty.


"Where's Liv?" Fin asked the moment he set foot in the squad room.

"Sent her home a few hours ago," Cragen answered, turning from where he was in discussion with Nick and Amanda. "And where have you been?"

"First thing this morning I went to get some intel on the latest perp."

"From who?"

"I know a guy."

Cragen sighed. "Please tell me it was helpful." At Fin's nod, he said, "Then, get to work. We're down a detective and needed this solved yesterday."

"She doing all right? Why'd he kick her home?" Fin asked the others.

"We did some interviews, and Cap sent her home when we got back. She was dead on her feet," Nick answered.

When Amanda and Nick had turned back to the evidence board, Munch sidled up to Fin, saying quietly, "She's in the cribs. They all thought she left, but you know how she is about leaving work early, especially when a case is important to her. She didn't look well at all, though."

Fin nodded. "I'll go check on her."


"Liv, wake up. Come on. Wake up, babygirl."

Olivia stirred slightly. Who's voice was that? Was she dreaming? Had she made it to the cribs? Did she pass out? Cragen would kill her if he knew she didn't go home. She felt something touch her forehead.

"Olivia, open your eyes. Dammit, you're burning up."

"Fin?" she mumbled, finally blinking up at him.

"Yeah, how are you feeling?"

"Did I sleep too long? I set an alarm for thirty, I swear."

She was scrambling to sit up at this point, and the room began to spin. She pressed a hand to her forehead. "Whoa."

His hands went to her shoulders. "Hey, sit still for a minute. You're really sick, Liv. Why didn't you say something this morning?"

"Wasn't this bad when I got up."

Fin eyed her skeptically. "I should've known when you didn't want to stop for your triple chocolate muffin."

"My temp was only 100 degrees. I thought I could handle it."

"Wanna bet it's not that now?"

"Probably not," Olivia relented, tugging the sheet up with her as she sat up.

"You cold?" Fin asked, tugging her back against his chest.


"You should be resting in a real bed. At home."

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