Here We Go

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"You've poached my partner, Olivia," Munch said, sidling over to her desk almost a week later, certain that the time had arrived to set his master plan into action.

She glanced up from her paperwork, giving him a smile. "Aren't you a sergeant now? Besides, Amaro's my partner, not Fin."

He chuckled, amused. "Mmhmm."

"What does that mean? 'Mmhmm?'"

Munch shrugged. "It doesn't mean anything."

One of Olivia's eyebrows shot up. "You're smiling. Should I be concerned?"

His smile only grew wider. "Of course not. Just thinking."

"What are you trying to imply anyway? Because you should know, there's nothing going on between me and Fin."

Munch chuckled. "Well, you said it, not me."

Olivia blushed. "That's not...I didn't...shut up, John."

He lifted his hands in surrender before walking away, wearing a much too wide to not be concerned about grin.

She watched him for a moment, knowing that John could very well know exactly how she felt about Fin. So long as he didn't tell Fin, though, everything would be fine.


A while later, after receiving the results of a rape kit, Cragen ordered the detectives to pick up a suspect they'd been looking into. With Nick and Amanda stuck on paperwork they'd been putting off, Olivia and Fin had to go.

"Nope, I'm driving," Olivia said, snagging the keys off the desk right before Fin's hand closed around them.

He groaned. "Come on. You drove last time."

"Sorry, sweetheart, too slow," she teased, dangling the keys just out of reach.

Fin's jaw dropped.

Olivia grinned, grabbing his forearm and tugging him toward the door. "Careful. You'll catch flies. Let's go. We've got a perp to haul in."

"She's gonna be the death of me," he muttered, dutifully allowing her to drag him to the elevator and loving every moment of having her hand on his arm.

Munch happily observed the entire interaction between the two detectives. While the prospect of cashing in on the bet he'd made was certainly exciting, seeing Olivia and Fin this happy was worth infinitely more.


When the work day came to a close that evening, Munch suggested the squad go out for drinks in celebration of closing a case.

At the suggestion, the other detectives looked up at him in surprise. Munch rarely, if ever, wanted to go out for drinks. He normally went begrudgingly after a long week and at someone else's insistence. To suggest it himself, and on a Monday...every one of them was suspicious.

"You know, that sounds good. I'll go," Amanda said finally as she grabbed her coat.

Nick nodded. "It's not too late. One beer won't hurt." He followed her out.

Olivia shrugged. "Alright."

Fin finally agreed, but at Olivia's behest, of course.

Munch smiled to himself as he followed the four younger detectives out of the squad room. If all went well, and he was sure it would, he would get those two together yet.


"Aw, don't leave yet," Olivia said sadly, frowning as Munch stood two hours later, his knees cracking as he scooted out of one of the bar's weathered booths.

He shook his head as he straightened his shirt and jacket. "That's enough for me. Sorry, Liv."

Nick had already left for home, and Amanda had gone off to do God knows what, so it was just Fin and Olivia left in the booth.

Munch waved a brief goodbye to Fin before heading out the door, grinning to himself as he thought of the potential for Olivia and Fin to finally talk about their feelings.

Back in the booth, Olivia rocked the almost empty bottle in her hand back and forth. "Guess we should call it a night."

He shrugged. "Maybe."

"Maybe not?" she asked hopefully, shifting her gaze up to his.

Fin sighed hopelessly. You'll do anything she asks, won't you? Olivia continued to look at him, big brown eyes unblinking, and he shook his head. "Ugh, woman, stop looking at me like that."

She chuckled, grinning then. "Like what?"

"Like, I don't know. Like that." It's almost like she wants you. You know she doesn't. What's she playing at?

Meanwhile, Olivia's gaze flickered down to Fin's lips, and she swallowed hard, fighting the urge to lean in closer. What's wrong with you? You'll scare him off. Don't do it. Just do it.

Fin copied the movements, battling the urge for himself. Don't scare her off. She doesn't want you like that. What if she does?

Just as they were ready to give in, Olivia's phone rang, the sound effectively disrupting their moment.

"Dammit," Fin muttered to himself in disappointment as she answered the call.

"Right, Fin and I will go there now," Olivia said to the caller, and Fin gave her a questioning look. "We've got a case. There's a vic at Mercy," she told him after hanging up.

"Captain wants you and me take it?" he asked confusedly.

"Well, Nick and I were catching, but since he's already home, I don't want to bother him."

Fin smiled wryly. "And you've got no problem keeping me out all night."

Olivia winked at him. "Oh, no problem at all."

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