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A/N: There are brief references to an actual case from the show incorporated here.

If you already read this and see there's some changes, I noticed the right version didn't publish at first.


"Hey, when do you want to disclose?" Fin asked casually over dinner one night.

Olivia spat out the drink of water she'd just taken.

"You okay?"

"You want to disclose?"

"I thought that was the plan. I'm not going anywhere, Liv. I'm in this for the long haul. Aren't you?"

"Yes. Yes, of course I am, but isn't it a little soon?"

"Babygirl, you know we should've disclosed from the start. We've managed to stay away from taking the lead on cases together, but I don't wanna give anybody ammunition to wreck our careers. We should disclose now. It's not a big deal. We might not have to change departments if-"

"I don't want to."


"I'm not ready." She stood up, backing away from the table. "I told you everything would move too fast, and now, you're pushing for that. I'm not ready." She started for the door, and Fin got up as well.

"Hang on. Liv, stop."

She froze at the door, coat and keys in hand.

"We can wait a little while longer, okay? I'm sorry. I think it would be better to disclose now, but if you're not ready, we'll wait. I wasn't trying to upset you."

"I don't want anything to change. I tried to tell you. You weren't listening."

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I know, but things are already different. We're already different. We didn't have movie nights, Liv. We didn't have dinner together. We didn't spend nights together and didn't carpool to work the next morning. We didn't hesitate to work cases together. I didn't tell you I loved you before. So yeah, Liv, it's already different. You can lie to yourself all you want, but it's already different. Everybody knows we're together, so if this meltdown is because you're embarrassed of me, we can end it right now."

"Meltdown? Seriously? Do you honestly think I'm embarrassed of you? You know what, I'm leaving. Don't follow me."

"Olivia, I'm not done talking."

"Well, I am."

"Hang on. What's happening?"

"I need a break."

"A break from us?"

"No, I just, not a break. I just need some air. Let me process. Give me a few days."

"Do you promise?"

"I, yes, I promise."

He didn't look like he believed her, and she took a step back to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"I do, Fin."


"You're looking rather surly today, Detective Tutuola," Munch commented.

Fin shrugged, continuing to stare out the sedan window, watching the rain run down the glass. It was dreary weather for a stakeout, and it seemed to Munch that the weather matched his old partner's mood.

"Care to share what's troubling you?"

"If I did, I would have. It's nothing."

"You and Liv okay?"

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