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Me and Peter have to walk to school now. Aunt May is always working, and Uncle Ben... yeah.

I miss him, a lot. People in the hallways would give us pity right after he died. I hate pity, Peter looked like he did too.

Flash has been leaving us alone ever since I turned him down. I was with Peter by my locker, because our lockers are right next to each other.

"Hey guys!" Ned comes up to us.

He scared me. I don't even know why, but he made me jump.

Peter looked at me with concern, "Percy, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good, Ned just.. scared me."

I turn back to my locker and start to think about me alter-ego, Tidal-Wave. The suit I made for it is finished. Since Peter is never home, May helped me sew it just how I wanted it.

She seemed pretty cool with the whole thing, but I think she was just worried I would get hurt.

The bell rang, and I realized I was late for math. Great. Mrs. Petosa hated me already.
I eventually get to class, and all heads turn to me. I hate that feeling.

"Perseus.. you're late!" Why did she say my real name? Probably just from attendance. She wouldn't be a monster.. the war is over. I should get a break.

"Please, call me Percy. Also I was late because I zoned out at my locker, and yeah. That's it."

I hear snickers in the background. I like to make people laugh, I don't try to be funny on purpose, it just... naturally comes to me.

I walk to my seat between Ned and Peter.

"Dude! That was awesome!" Ned says.

Peter nods his head to agree.

-time skip - -

Swim tryouts were after school. I figured I would try out, you know I might be good at it.

Coach Donaldson. He was also the History teacher. I don't think he minded me, I just have dyslexia and can't read. So, that can be frustrating sometimes.

I walk in, and he sees me, "Percy! I didn't know you swam." I smiled. "Yeah, I do. This is actually my fist year doing it like as a sport."

He nodded.

We started doing load in the pool, then it carried on to racing. I won all of the rounds. Coach was practically beaming.

"Wow! Good job everyone. You can see the results tomorrow. Practice is right after school.

I really hope I made the team. It would just cut some time into Tidal-Wave. Which is okay, because Spiderboy is there to help.

-time skip - -
I got home and greeted Aunt May and told her I was going patrolling for the first time tonight. I was super excited. She wished me luck and told me to be careful.

I jumped out of the window and caught myself with some water. Man, it feels good to finally be using my powers. My suit was pretty cool. It was sea green, with blue accents. It also had some gold Greek armor overtop of it.

There was a few bad guys, not much. A mugging involving an old lady and creepy old guy. There was also a robbery. Not much that I couldn't handle. I fought a monster for the first time in a while.

I was not happy.

I'm sick of all of this Greek business. I really am. I hate doing all of the gods dirty work, and other kids that aren't even a teenager have to do it too.

I was sitting in a roof looking around for stuff I could do, when I see a huge fire. This is great, well not really. But, you know what I mean. I rush over, and summon gallons of water.

"Woah! How are you doing that?"

I hear a vaguely familiar voice say.

It's the Spiderguy! That's so cool. I know that voice though... no way. Was I right? Is that Peter?

It has to be. He must have made his little sweatsuit outfit himself. How cute.

Spider-Man approached me, "That was so cool! You have to teach me that sometime."

Yep. Definitely Peter.

"Haha, yeah I should. Go get the people inside. I'll stay out here and they to calm the fire."

He ran inside. By now, the fire was all gone. It looked like Peter saved a girl and boy. I start to walk to get home.

"Wait! What's your name?"

"Call me Tidal-Wave" I start to walk away trying to get home before Peter but I realize he has the webs that make him go fast.

So, I vapor travel. It's a thing I learned on the Argo II. It's kind of like shadow travel. But with water molecules in the air. It's pretty cool, but super draining.

I ended up in the dining room where Aunt May was sitting. She screamed.

"Oh my god Percy! You scared me!"

"Sorry. Tried something new." I laughed it off, but truth was, I was exhausted.

But I needed to catch Peter. I run and take my suit off. I hide it in the closet, shoved under a bunch of Peter's clothes. It's a pretty good spot.

I hear the window open, and a soft grunt. I was hiding in the closet so he thought no one was in there. I see him crawling in the ceiling to get to the door. He used on of his webs to shut it, and sighs. Obviously relieved.

I jump out from the closet and scare him. It was so funny.

"Percy! Uh, it's not what it looks like."

I doubled over laughing.

"Dude, I already knew!" I say while still laughing.


I hear the final period bell ring, finally! I can go out patrolling. Not many people now about Spider-Man except for the people who watch YouTube. But, it's okay. I'm slowly growing a name for myself.

Maybe even the Avengers will notice me. Anyway, I go out patrolling and there was a big fire. Water goes over my head, and I see a new guy. He has a blue suit on, with gold armor. He's doing that with his mind?

"Woah! How are you doing that?" I exclaim.

He looks over at me, but doesn't say anything. He's probably concentrating. After he dropped the water in the house, I go up to him, "That was so cool. You have to teach me sometime."

He laughs. "Yeah I should. Go get the people inside. I'll stay out here trying to calm the fire."

I rescued a little girl and boy and brought them to they're parents. New guy was looking like he was about to leave.

"Wait! What's your name?"

He looked over at me, "Call me Tidal-Wave!"

He's so cool. I'll have to talk to him sometime. He just teleported away. Awesome.

I needed to get home, I think May is starting to get worried. But I just say I have AD (Academic Decathlon) and band.

I felt bad for lying to Percy and Aunt May. Especially after Uncle Bens death. But, if I tell them, they will want me to stop.

I go through my window like I do every night. I check to see if anyone is in my room, no one is there. I close my door and,


Oh sh-

Hey everyone! Just wanted to say thank you for so many reads! I started watching Daredevil yesterday! I'm already almost done with season 2. Needless to say he is now one of my favorite characters.


1,200 words

a break - percy jackson x avengers storyWhere stories live. Discover now