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Mr. Stark took Percy with him for almost 2 days, and Aunt May and I are getting worried sick. Happy is picking me up tomorrow, and I don't want to leave May alone. It was originally supposed to be a few days ago, but apparently they needed to handle a situation.

I wanted to call Mr. Stark, but I didn't know his number.

I have gone out as Spider-Man every night since Percy hasn't been here. Just in case he comes back. I just have this gut feeling that something is wrong.


Fury guy took me into a big plane and locked me up in another big interrogation room. He walked in, "Perseus.."

"My name is Percy." I snarled at him. He is so annoying.

He continued, "This is your last chance, if you don't cooperate, there will be some consequences. Not just for you." He said with a slight smirk.

Did he just threaten Peter and Aunt May?

No way am I letting that happen. That's not okay!

"What did you just say?" I said as bitterly as I could. He is not about to threaten me. I gave him my best wold glare.

He got a little bit more anxious. But covered it up, "That's right. What's going to happen to your aunt and cousin if you don't tell the truth?"

"You didn't just go there."

I rip off the restraint and punched him in the face knocking him out. I got the key by the water vapor in the air pushing it to me. I unlock my cell door and jump out of the plane.

I didn't realize how high up we were. I used water to catch me and I started to run to Peter and May's house.

Technically it is my house too, but I didn't grow up there, and I don't pay the bills. So I don't have the right to call it my house.

But I ran. Like, sprinted. That's was so scary. My brain filled with betray and discuss when I thought about Tony. Why would he do that? I'm never talking to him again.


Percy was dragged away and looked at me with betrayal and disgust. I felt bad, because I did technically betray him. I sort of kidnapped him.

I get a notification from Fury saying Percy has escaped. Thank god. But weren't they.. way up in the air?

"FRIDAY, pull up security camera footage from where the Hellicarrier was last seen with Percy."

When I said that, a few second later she did.

I slowly went through the footage and saw Percy jumping off the ship. Did he just- no. Wait did he?

All of the sudden, a huge wave of water came and caught him, and he was riding it. He jumped off into the streets of New York and just started sprinting. Probably back to his Aunt's house.

So is Percy the Tidal-Wave guy? And does Peter know? Do they work together? Tidal-Wave is pretty new to the city. But Percy looks like he knows his powers, and what he could do with them.

I run facial recognition on the bottom of their faces, and their eye colors. They match completely. I'll have to come with Happy when we pick up Peter. I need Percy on my team.

I'm so sorry for this disgrace of a chapter. I should have added more, but I felt like I needed to keep it there. It's super short, but a new chapter will be coming soon!

stay tuned.

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